Chapter 46. Cold enough to chill my bones.

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She was quiet

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She was quiet.

But a storm was brewing under her skin.

Everleigh pushed her breakfast oatmeal around the bowl mindlessly, ignoring the absurdly loud  conversations in the Gryffindor table. The exams period was coming to an end, and everyone was already talking about the Yule Ball and the Christmas break with excitement.

Everyone but her.

— What is going on?

— Is the party cancelled?

The whispering intensified, finally catching up to her. Her eyes moved up from her food towards a group of girls down the table. All of them were peering over the Ravenclaw side.
Everleigh followed their gazes to see Sebastian leaning into someone. For a second, she thought he might've been kissing a girl, given the proximity of the long blonde curls to his face.
Her stomach churned with anxiety.

But she realized that he wasn't kissing the girl. He was trying to keep their exchange a secret from everyone. She caught a glimpse of Rosalind Ward, a Ravenclaw girl from their year, who was normally in charge of drinks at parties.

Her face was completely serious while she listened to Sebastian. Worried lines creased her forehead and her eyebrows dipped in confusion. She shook her head in response to whatever question the boy had asked her.

— I heard he's shutting down the Slytherin party after the ball because someone is making illegal drinks.

— No! I heard it is because a fourth year student drank too much alcohol at the last one and he woke up naked outside of the Astronomy tower.

Everleigh's focus returned to the group of girls. The gossiping stopped once they realized the Head Girl was staring, and everyone returned to their food, in silence.

— Where did you hear that Sebastian is cancelling the Slytherin parties?

Her tone was sharp and her eyes stern. The girls  traded looks, but only one of them leaned in towards Everleigh and responded in a whisper.

— From the Hufflepuffs. Beatrice Haywood told us after hearing it from Eustace Fawley, who heard it from Gabriel Truman, who overheard Diego Caplan from the Quidditch's team talking about it with the Captain, Zacharias Smith. They said that Sallow was very adamantly telling Smith about something, but the only thing they could hear was that he was shutting down the parties. And he is asking all the houses to stop them, too.

Everleigh's breathing caught.
She was extremely thankful that the girls had now started to talk again amongst each other, as if they had gotten the Head Girl approval to do so and had nothing to worry about. Soon enough, they forgot about her, and the conversation drifted into something a tad more lewd involving Quidditch's players.

She stopped listening to them, gaze shifting once more towards where Sebastian still was. It didn't take magic to know the reason why he was putting a halt to any celebrations.
After what Everleigh had said to him the night before and finally opened up...

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