Chapter 25. Face your fears.

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Natsai yawned next to her before groaning in complaint at something Everleigh didn't hear. Possibly to the fact that she had gone to Hogsmeade the night before with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch's team and gotten completely drunk.

— That's what you get for getting wrecked on a Sunday night.

Everleigh sent a side glance at the girl, who responded with a grunt as she kept working on her essay.
Behind them, Garreth was sitting on a desk next to Leander, and the read haired boy looked like he was going to throw up any time soon.

— We needed to properly drown our grief about that game on Saturday. — He mumbled, as if Everleigh had directed that statement at him and not Natsai. — By the way, someone needs to talk to Black about letting Gryffindors stay with Hufflepuffs permanently until the tower is up and running.

— Oh, someone wants to leave the dungeons rather quickly. — Natsai immediately recovered from her exhaustion and gazed at Garreth salaciously over her shoulder. — No more escapades with you and that mysterious Slytherin girl?

Garreth appeared paler than a minute ago and Everleigh found herself snorting at the exchange, trying to avoid looking at Natsai because she knew she would end up giggling uncontrollably.

— Shut up. — Garreth muttered for an answer, turning the pages of his book too hastily and getting a lifted eyebrow from Leander next to him, whom he pretended not to see. — For your information, the Hufflepuff common room is so much better. It's right next to the kitchens. I went in there last night after Hogsmeade and those elves are earning their salary.

— They don't get paid.

Everleigh corrected him, but the boy didn't listen to her, talking over her mumble.

— I'm tired of being in the bloody dungeons! It's like the air doesn't reach that barbaric place. Maybe that's why everyone down there is so neurotic.

Natsai chuckled at the petulant words but Everleigh didn't. She didn't find funny at all how her last interaction with Sebastian had been. Neurotic was a mild way to put it.
He saved her from smashing against the ground one game, blocked a Bludger to her head on another. Then complained that she was ruining his life with that agreement but still refused to get out of it.

If delusions could walk and talk, they would introduce themselves as Sebastian Sallow.

— You should've come to Hogsmeade with us. I ended up finding a costume for Halloween and a dress for the Yule Ball. I'll show you after class.

Natsai's words brought Everleigh back to reality and she nodded at her friend.

— Sure. Now that we are done with Quidditch this semester I'll have more time. I'm still practicing my Patronus on free periods, but maybe Saturday morning we can go to town?

— Don't you want to attend your boyfriend's game on Saturday? — Garrett leaned over his desk to speak to her, mockery dripping all over his tone. — Slytherin is playing Hufflepuff.

— He is not my boyfriend.

Her answer was curt and granted an awkward silence from both her friends. Through the corner of her eye, Everleigh noticed Natsai glancing over at Garreth and shaking her head, like she always did to stop him from asking inappropriate follow up questions. With time, the boy had learned to comply with that quiet petition so he didn't speak anymore. Neither one did.

After leaving Sebastian's room on Saturday night, Everleigh had taken a shower and locked herself in her dormitory, trying to put her insomnia to good use with homework. But her brain was all scrambled after such long and intense day.
Gryffindor lost the game, and consequently, the Winter Cup.
Sebastian had happily taken her for the damn ride of her life afterwards, and that was a soft word to use for it. Her body still ached.
Sitting on a chair was very uncomfortable for her.

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