Chapter 43. You drew stars around my scars...

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— Oh, it's going to take more than lunch for me to forgive you.

Everleigh murmured with a frown as she casted the Scouring charm on the sheets of the infirmary bed. With a sway of her wand, the pillow fluffed itself and the covers folded gracefully until it was ready for the next patient. A second later, Garreth Weasley was dropping his weight on it, laying comfortably on the mattress and consequently messing up the neatly made bed.

He seemed very unaware of Everleigh's scowl as she marched towards the bed next to him.

— What did you want me to tell the bloke? — He argued back before biting of the apple in his hand. — He practically demanded I stop brewing those potions for the sake of your health and who am I to stand in the way of true love?

Natsai giggled from a bed across Garreth, also laying on it as she mindlessly launched a Quaffle in the air to just to catch it after it landed in her hands. Everleigh glowered at her but the girl simply shrugged.

— So I take it you are going to The Three Broomsticks later? — Garreth continued, drawing Everleigh's attention back to him. — To celebrate your boyfriend's birthday?

— Yes. — She responded in a low voice, ignoring the snickering that both her friends shared as soon as a positive answer left her mouth. — I'll be there. Are you two going?

— Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Natsai added as she threw the Quaffle back into the air. Garreth shifted his weight on his bed, undoing the covers even more.

— You are coming home with me for Christmas this year, right?

Everleigh nodded, her lips twitching with resignation.

— It's looking like it. My parents are working, yet again.

— I told mum. She says she is making you a very special present, which would probably be another scarf. My dad is going to pick us up from King Cross on Christmas Eve so you know we are going to be listening all about the latest cursed muggle objects.

And she didn't mind that in the slightest. After transferring to Hogwarts on fifth year and developing a tight friendship with Garreth, she had spent Christmas with the Weasleys twice. Seeing as her parents were always at the hospital, Everleigh didn't even consider flying home for the holidays, so she had chosen to stay at the castle.
Only for Garreth to drag her to his family house because of course she was not going to be alone during Christmas.

The first time, Everleigh had tried to refuse the invitation. But the second time, she just let it happen.

The Weasleys had been quite welcoming, especially when Garreth's dad worked at the Ministry as head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and saw Everleigh like nothing short from brilliant. She had found herself in multiple occasions immersed into a conversation about the most mundane things, such as bicycles, with Mr. Weasley.
Garreth's mom, on the other side, was always trying to make her eat as much as possible, pointing out dramatically how bony she was.
She wasn't.
But Everleigh never refused the baked goods, and she ate every lemon drizzle cake Mrs. Weasley offered her.

Garreth had a younger sister that would be attending Hogwarts the following year, and an older brother that worked for International Affairs at the German Ministry of Magic. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were very proud of him, and never missed a chance to speak about their son.

— What are your plans for Christmas?

Garreth asked again, directing the question at Natsai, who groaned in disapproval.

— Me and my mum are going back home to Zimbabwean.

— Do you not want to go?

Everleigh inquired, forgetting momentarily about fixing the beds covers and shifting her body to observe her friend. She simply shook her head, almost scowling.

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