Chapter 44. Wrap me in your skin and bones.

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Sirona had put the fireplace of The Three Broomsticks out of commission, so Floo powder hadn't been a choice.
Not that Everleigh was complaining.

The walk to Hogsmeade had been nice, and they had caught the sunset over the castle halfway into it.
It was cold out, but Sebastian slid his arm over her shoulders and brought her into his warmth. He didn't look as tired anymore, and the brown eyes sparkled under the soft lights that followed the trail into the hamlet.
He was still a little quiet, so Everleigh didn't push him.

However, she tried to touch him as often as possible. With the excuse of brushing his hair out of his face, Everleigh stroked his forehead and his temple. His cheeks, too. And she would stop after a few steps only to put her body in between him and the cobblestone path, pressing against his chest with intention.
It was not with sensual purposes.

She just wanted to kiss him.

And every time that she came to a halt and aimed her chin up to his face, Sebastian smiled bigger and brighter.

— If we keep stopping, we are never going to make it, Grayson.

— If we keep stopping, we are never going to make it, Grayson

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He responded with a teasing tone. And yet, his hands sank into her neck to bring her forward, until he was covering her mouth with his own and leaving a soft kiss on it.

— We don't have to stay long. — Everleigh offered when Sebastian finally pulled back from her lips. — I know it's your birthday but if you don't want to be there all night, we can come back to the castle.

His thumb brushed on her cheek as he stared down at her. This time, the smile was a little softer before he responded, dropping his hand until it wrapped around her wrist and he was twirling her around. Once Everleigh faced forward, giggling quietly, Sebastian resumed the leisure pace next to her. The long fingers entwined with her own and she held onto him with a satisfied grin.

— I have a room there for the night. — Her head tilted to look up to the boy' side. She wasn't aware of that information but she also wasn't surprised. — Ever since we became of age, Ominis, Anne and I spent this day at The Three Broomsticks.

— Ah. Like a tradition.

— More like we get knackered from Firewhiskey and we can't barely walk back to Hogwarts. — Everleigh started laughing immediately, encouraging Sebastian's chuckles. — I distinctly remember our sixteen birthday and how we tried to sneak back into the castle. Prefects had a field day with us. I don't think Ominis has ever forgiven me. I could barely see anything in front of me. Quite literally the blind leading the blind.

She kept giggling uncontrollably for some reason, just imagining a younger Sebastian wobbling around the corridors and followed by an identically drunk Anne and Ominis.

— I'm happy to see the one month long detention I received after it's making you so jolly.

Sebastian mumbled, but Everleigh could see the lopsided grin on his face as they advanced through one of Hogsmeade entrances.

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