Chapter 28 ⚜ De Void

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In Eichen house, The Sheriff, Scott, I, and Aiden arrive at Eichen House. Noah asks "Lydia, I don't want to say, Are you sure about this?"

I say "No-- he's here. I swear to God he's here" 

We rush in and tell the front desk, Noah says "I need access to all basement rooms in this facility"

I lead the way in Eichen House "It's here. It's right here. Stiles?"

Noah opens the basement door and we all rush down, but Stiles isn't there.

Scott calls out "Lydia...?"

They all look to me for an explanation, I say "I don't get it. This has to be it."

Noah turns angrily at me "Then where is he, huh? Where is he? I'm sorry..."

I look around "I don't understand..." 

We all leave, without noticing that one kanji is carved into the wall.

⚜ The Lost Hunter ⚜

In the Hospital, Agent Rafael McCall, Melissa, Scott, and I wait for the Sheriff to come back with news. Noah says "He's sleeping now... And he's just fine. He doesn't remember much. It's a bit like a dream to him" To agent McCall " Thank you"

Rafael says "It was that repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out. I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. it just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone."

Noah says it again "No, it was more than that. Thank you."

Rafael says "It was a lucky connection."

Noah exasperatedly "McCall, can you shut up please and accept my sincerest gratitude?"

Rafael smiles "Accepted." The two shake hands.

Melissa to Scott and me "All right, you two. You've got school in less than six hours. Go home. Go to sleep."

Scott nods "Okay"

As we leave, I to Scott "I don't know what happened. I was so sure..."

Scott to me "Yeah, I wasn't much help, either. Doesn't matter, if he's okay." I turn suddenly at the sound of metal clanking "Lydia, do you hear something?"

But I choose to ignore it because my powers just betrayed me "...No. I didn't hear anything." I said

⚜ The Lost Hunter ⚜

In High school, the next day, I'm next to Scott in his locker, and I wince as someone closes their locker door.

Scott asks me "You Okay?"

I lie "Yeah.." but I'm hearing everything far more loudly than I should "I'm just a little hypersensitive to loud sounds today"

"They're doing tests on Stiles all afternoon. I was going to go over at around six o'clock to visit. You want to come with me?"

I was distractedly "I should probably just go home..."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah..." Another locker closes, and I react like it was a gunshot "I'll text you later..." I rush out of the school.

" I rush out of the school

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