Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

"I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings UH-HUH, THAT'S RIGHT DARLING YODAONE I WANT~" Y/N sang her lungs out while brushing a paint on her canvas.

It's Saturday morning and Y/N decided to do some paintings since it's been her routine on the weekends. Instead of going out, she prefers to stay at home even if it means she has to be alone in her house sometimes.

"Seems like someone is in a good mood right now." Mrs. Lee barged in Y/N's painting room as she heard the latter sang out loud.

"Uh God, mom. You should've knocked." Y/N was startled by her mom's voice. She stood up from her seat and lower her speakers volume to speak with her mom.

"Just want to check in on my happy daughter." Her mom spoke softly with a smile plastered on her face as she found her daughter adorable.

"Just doing some paintings mom, as usual."

"I know,sweetie."

Y/N continues her painting while listening to her mother's talk.

"Your brother called this morning to inform us about his game tonight at seven. He wants us to watch him play."

"Oh really? I haven't seen him for quite some time. We should definitely go,mom." Y/N said excitedly which her mother just smiled at the latter.

"Of course, sweetie. Besides, I have bought 4 tickets for us." Mrs. Lee informed.

"4? Dad's coming too and who's the other one?" Y/N asked out of curiosity.

"Kazuha." Her mom simply said.

"Okay, mom. I'll inform her about this later. I'm sure she'd love to come." Y/N responded politely, her eyes never leave the canvas in front of her. Mrs.Lee nodded as response and pats her daughter's head.

With that, Mrs. Lee decided to leave the room but before she could walk her way out, she reminded her daughter to eat lunch after she's done with the painting.

Two hours has passed, Y/N put the final touch on the painting and set. From the looks of it, the painting is worth a hundred dollars or maybe more if only Y/N would start her business by selling them. Maybe in the future she will become a famous artist which is what she has been dreaming of since she was a child.

Y/N's cleaning all of her mess and when she's done, she make her way towards her parents room to call her mom to eat lunch together. And so, the both of them make their way to the dining room to eat together.

-time skips-

They are now at the venue of the rugby match which is located at Seoul Stadium. The Lee's family are seated at the front row since Mrs.Lee bought the vip tickets for the four of them. Y/N and Kazuha are now munching on their snacks happily while waiting for the game to start.

"Geez, I can't wait to see your brother Y/N." Zuha exclaimed excitedly as she has not seen her bestfriend's brother for the longest time. Kazuha's also quite close to Y/N's brother since she's been with them since she was little.

"Right, I missed him." Y/N chuckles as she looked at how cute Zuha was.

Not long later, they are asked to stand up to give respect towards the national anthem song. Soon the song has come to an end and the players went out to the field since the game is about to start. Everyone cheers for the players which raise each team's spirits to compete against each other.

Y/N spotted her brother where his representative number on his jersey is 21, also the captain of the team.

"Mom dad , that's oppa." Y/N said excitedly while pointing at her brother.

"WOOO JUYEON OPPA !!" Zuha screamed on behalf of her bestfriend, Y/N just smiled at the sight of Kazuha.


I smiled brightly as I saw how excited Zuha is. I haven't seen her this happy before though she looks cheerful everyday and teases me here and there but I know deep down she's lonely since she's an only child and her parents are barely home due to their busy schedules, fly from a country to another country. Just like my parents but hey ho this isn't about me.

That's why my parents and I would always invite her over to my house or literally anywhere else like an event, gathering also like right now and we can all agree that she's my soulmate, the Tom to my Jerry, bickering here and there and my sister not by blood obviously but my sister. I will always make sure that she doesn't feel left out most of the time which is by making her feel seen, heard and appreciated. Though, I don't really show her how much I love and care about her but I hope she knows that I will always love her even if it means I have to kill someone who mess with her.

"Y/N , Juyeon oppa scored the last goal and they won! His team won!" Zuha cheerfully said ,putting both her hands on my shoulder and shake them while jumping up and down which brought me out of my trance. I looked over the field and cheered for my brother's team. "As expected from him, he ain't the Captain for nothing." I chuckled at the sight of him doing his silly dance moves.

"Let's go greet oppa, Zuha. I know you miss him." I encouraged her which she nodded excitedly as response.

That being said, the four of us went down the stadium to meet up with Juyeon oppa. Once he spotted us, he jogged his way towards us and grinned proudly.

"That's my boy." my dad exclaimed while patting oppa's shoulder.

"Hey, guys." Juyeon greeted happily. "Oh hey there little one but not so little anymore." he said,ruffling my hair.

"Yah, stop that. Also, long time no see brother. Kazuha misses you." I said.

"Juyeon oppa, you were so cool just now." Kazuha informed him, showing her eyes and gummy smiles.

"Thank you, Zuha-ssi." Juyeon smiled softly and ruffles Zuha's hair. We're used to him ruffling our hair already.

"Juyeon-ahh, your team won so let's do a celebration at our house tomorrow." my mom suggested which I think is a good idea.

"Sounds good to me." Says dad and Juyeon at the same time.

"Alright then it's all settled."

Juyeon oppa nodded and excused himself to go to the changing rooms to get changed. I too excused myself to go to the restroom since I've been holding my urine for quite some time now , of course I dragged Zuha with me before she could even deny it.

As I went in the restroom, I spotted one available toilet which I immediately ran into it since my urine is already on the edge of glory. I let Kazuha wait for me outside while I'm doing my business.

"Thank God, there wasn't a lot of people here." I sighed in relief as I let my urine flow down to the toilet bowl.

After done with my small business here, I walked my way out but before I could even stepped out, someone bumped into me.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I didn- Y/N?! Oh my gosh, are you okay sweetie?" says this person.

I looked up immediately as I heard the nickname she just called me. And before I could speak, I got lost in her eyes. She was staring straight into my eyes which I couldn't help myself but to stare back straight into her eyes. It's like we are basically having a staring contest right now. I'm aware that we are blocking the entrance of this restroom but something told me to not let go of this eye contact.

"Her. Her eyes.I never realized how pretty her eyes were and how beautiful she-"

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