Chapter 21

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As Kazuha glanced at her watch, she sighed, "Looks like we'll have to go our separate ways for a little while, my dearest friend." Kazuha teased, pretending to shed a dramatic tear as she patted my arms, "Oh, and have fun sitting beside your 'not-yet' girlfriend," she whispered.

"For heaven's sake, she's not my girlfriend, Zuha," I countered, rolling my eyes.

"Yet," she shot back with a mischievous grin.

As Kazuha's laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but chuckle at her ongoing joke. It was moments like these that made our friendship so special.

"You're lucky that I love you, Zuzu." I stated, giving her a playful ruffle of her hair. "I'm really looking forward to our time together in just a little while."

Kazuha chuckled, "And don't deny it, you're just as excited to explore the City of Love with your 'soon to be' girlfriend."

"Sure, believe whatever helps you rest easy tonight, darling." I playfully said in a seductive tone, noticing a rosy hue that graced on her cheeks. "Look at you, a blushing mess. Did I manage to make you fall for me, sweetheart?" A satisfied smirk played on my lips as I successfully teased her back.

"Duh, as if!" she protested.

"Well, we've kissed before, might as well give me another one now," I teased, wiggling my eyebrows as her face turned as red as a tomato.

Kazuha was my first kiss, and I was hers, but that's another story to tell.

"Oh, if you insist," she responded, gaining her confidence and leaning closer.

In that moment, I felt rooted to the spot, she was so close. Was this really happening? My flirtation seemed to have backfired, and now I was the flustered one, 'Anyone, help.' I pleaded in my mind.

"Ehem, am I interrupting something?"

Finally, someone who's generous enough to save me from this situation.

I let out a heaved sigh and said, "Not at all, Miss Son."

"Let's get to the queues and get ready to get on the plane."

As we made our way to the queues, I couldn't help but steal a quick glance at Kazuha. There had been a sense of adrenaline rushed by the flirtatious conversation and the almost-kiss situation.

Miss Jen came over smiling brightly as we walked forward. "Ready for your Parisian adventure, ladies?"

Both of us excitedly nodded. "Indeed, Miss Jen. We're excited," Kazuha chimed in.

Miss Jen giggled, her eyes glistening with excitement. "It's going to be an amazing trip. Enjoy every moment, and don't forget to soak in the romance of Paris."

Kazuha immediately glanced at me as soon as she heard the word 'romance,' wiggling her eyebrows up and down at me. Tsk, she needs to be stopped.

We then proceeded in line, with each step increasing our sense of anticipation. The promise of new experiences beckoned, and the busy airport appeared to disappear into the background.

Finally, it was our turn to board the plane. The excitement was evident as we settled into our seats, the reality of the journey ahead gradually sinking in.

Just as I got comfortable, a familiar voice broke through my thoughts. "Hey, didn't expect us to be seat mates," Miss Jen remarked.

I couldn't help but smile at her. "Perhaps it's a sign that we're destined to sit next to each other?" I mused, the question lingering in the air.

Our eyes met in a playful exchange, her gaze lingering just a moment longer than necessary. "Well," Miss Jen said with a mischievous grin, she leaned in slightly, her voice a soft whisper "maybe destiny has a plan for us on this journey."

I chuckled, enjoying her playful comment. "You're absolutely right, destiny can surprise us sometimes," I responded, feeling at ease.

Miss Jen smiled, her eyes twinkling. "It sure does. And here we are, seatmates on this adventure," she remarked, readjusting her posture in her seat and taking out her earphones. "Wanna listen to music with me?"

I considered her offer for a moment. "Sure, why not?" I replied with a smile, taking one of the earphones she offered.

As the soft strains of music filled my ears, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Miss Jen. It was a small moment of connection, sharing this simple pleasure amidst the excitement of the journey.

The flight attendants completed their pre-flight procedures, and the plane began its taxi to the runway. I watched the world outside the window blur as we sped up.

Miss Jen and I exchanged a few more words, the conversation flowing easily between us. It felt comfortable, like we'd known each other for much longer than we actually had. There was a sense of ease, and I found myself eagerly looking forward to the days ahead.

Soon after, the aircraft took off, escorting us into the sky and on our way to our destination. The adventure had officially begun, and I couldn't wait to see where it would take us.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now