Chapter 9

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"Do you have class after this,unnie?" I asked, startling the both of them who are enjoying their lunch.

"I do. How about the both of you?" She questioned while staring at me curiously.

"No class after this but we have extra-curricular, right Zuha?"

"Yup." the both of us let out a sigh.

"Ooh, right. What club did you guys join?" Yunjin fondly asked.

"I joined the dance class while Y/N is in Softball club." Kazuha simply answered.

"Wow, the both of you have different interests, huh?" Yunjin.

"Yeah, Kazuha has always been into dancing, ballet and singing since she was little." I smiled at the memories of her showing me all of her talents when we were kids.

"...and Y/N is sporty, just like her brother. I guess it runs in the family." Kazuha said while munching on her food.

"Don't speak when there's food in your mouth,Zuha."  I sounded like a mom reminding their children to have some manners. Then I heard chuckles from the both of them.

"Y/N, you really are a mom sometimes."

"Tsk, I sure do." I rolled my eyes at her and wiped away the ketchup from the corner of her mouth.

"Also, this is the reason why I never complained about being single in my life because Y/N really acts like as if she's my girlfriend which I'm grateful for." Zuha continued while chuckling along with Yunjin unnie. "...she's a full package, unnie." she wiggles her eyebrows to unnie.

"Shut it, Nakamura and eat up. We have to go back to school. We don't want unnie to be late for her class ,right?" I reminded her to stop playing around and eat her food.

"Nah, it's fine. We still have a lot of time." Yunjin unnie replied.

"You're worried for her now,huh?" Kazuha whispered and gave me the teasing look.

"Tsk, whatever." I whispered back to her.

I checked my smartwatch and saw there's still a lot of time before Yunjin's class starts. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for us to eat all of our meals so now we decided to hang a little bit more before going back to campus.

Both Kazuha and Yunjin are chit chatting amongst themselves while I'm observing ,no, more like admiring Yunjin's facial. I mean, how can I not? She's very captivating, fascinating, stunning. God really took his time to create such beautiful art and send her to m-

"snap out of it Y/N." I mentally slapping myself.

"Y/N! did you hear what we were talking about?" Kazuha asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked in confusion.

"I said, we're going. Let's go." she then grabbed by my arms and walked away from the table. Yunjin went to the cashier to make payments for us.

Sighs, "She really shouldn't pay for us." I kinda felt bad for her.

"Alright girls, let's gooo!" Yunjin exclaimed happily.

With that, I went to the shotgun seat and Zuha went to the backseat. Yunjin starts the car then drives off to the campus.

"So unnie, aren't you too young to be a professor?" I decided to break the silence.

"You're right. But it's my grandpa's order so I can't back out." Yunjin answered.

"Ohh, how old are you then?" Kazuha's turn to ask.

"From the way I look, can you guess?" She grins softly.

"uhh I would guess...25 years old?" I don't know why 25 came up on my mind first.


"must be 24 years old, right?" Kazuha.



"Too old"



Damn, never thought I would hate this game so much. It's not even hard but guessing ages isn't really what I profession at.

"Hmm, if 26 is too old, 25,24,22 are close so I'm guessing 23..?" quite unsure of my answer.

"Hmm.." she looked hesitant "CORRECT!" she responded.

"Oh wow, 23-year-old is such a young age to be a lecturer." Kazuha said in amusement.

"If it's your grandfather's order then is he perhap-"
before I could finish my sentence, Kazuha already cutting me off.


"OH MY GOSH, IS YOUR GRANDPA THE OWNER OF THIS CAMPUS?!" Kazuha gasped at her own words.

I looked towards unnie's face, she's smiling widely as the answer then shrugs it off. The drive back to our campus was more of those two talking towards each other and I would only exchange a few words from time to time. Well, not that I mind nor do I feel left out by them, I just prefer listening to others conversation more than contribute in it and only speak up when I have something to say.

We are now at the parking lot and I'm making my way to the campus field since we will be having a softball friendly match today. Surprisingly, I was the first to arrive here so without wasting any more time I walk my way to the changing room and change into my jerseys.

While changing, I heard the sound of someone struggling to unlock their locker and


"Ugh, this sucks!!" I heard a faint voice from the other side.

I immediately went to the person who is slightly smaller than me and she looks like someone I know "Wait- ,..isn't that" I muttered under my breath and adjusting my eyes to get a clearer view if she really is the person I've loved also happened to be my rival who I thought would never appear in my life again, who I thought will be gone for good but here we go again.

"Kim Chaewon."

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt