Chapter 25

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"Hold on, hold on, hold on!! I asked Unnie to keep you company, and the next thing I know is SHE KISSED AND CONFESSED HER FEELINGS TO YOU ?!"

Yup, I can't resist not telling Kazuha about this. It was one night to remember. Walking back to my hotel room, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as the kiss and the conversations between us played in my mind on repeat.

"Huh Yunjin, what have you done to me?" I whispered, slapping my palms against my heated cheeks.

"This isn't how I imagined our nights, but I hope you enjoyed the surprises. I'll take you on a proper date once this trip ends," Yunjin said before we parted ways to our own rooms.

Her words lingered in my thoughts. 'A proper date after the trip... That sounds nice.' It made me look forward to the future.

"I know it might not be conventional for a lecturer to kiss their student, but we're both adults after all. It just felt so right. When I kissed her back, it was like a spark lit up inside me. It felt like our souls were entwined," I mused, strolling before dramatically flopping onto the bed in a starfish pose.

As I gazed at the ceiling, an unusual quiet settled between us. Kazuha seemed unusually reserved, and I couldn't help but wonder about the thoughts swirling in her mind.

"Hey, do you hear that?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

She strained to grasp my words, but the room held nothing but a serene quiet. "No sound at all?"

"Just silence," I answered simply.


"Yeah, the silence spoke volumes. Care to share what's on your mind?"

"Haha!" Kazuha burst into laughter. "It started as just a 'silly crush', and now you're head over heels for Miss Jennifer Huh," she teased, still chuckling.

"Well, let's just say I needed some time to figure out my feelings. It was only yesterday that I realized I'm genuinely in love with her. Can you understand me Kazuha yaa?"

"Absolutely. I get it completely, pumpkin pie. I'm genuinely happy for you. It seems my baby has finally grown up," Kazuha cooed, joining me on the bed and wrapping her arms around my starfish-shaped form.

As Kazuha enveloped me in her warm embrace, a sense of comfort washed over me. We lay there for a moment, basking in the soft glow of the room.

"You know, Y/N," Kazuha began, her voice gentle, "love is a funny thing. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it, doesn't it?"

I nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and contentment. "It really does. I never imagined this would happen, especially with Miss Jennifer. But here we are."

Kazuha smiled knowingly. "Life has a way of surprising us. And who knows, maybe this is the start of something beautiful for you two."

Her words filled me with hope. It was a new beginning, a chance at something I never thought possible. As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the future might hold.

-time skips-

The next day, as the sun gently streamed through the curtains, I found myself lost in thought. The realization of my feelings for Miss Jennifer Huh was still sinking in. I couldn't help but replay the moments we'd shared in my mind.

Kazuha, always perceptive, noticed my pensive expression. "Deep in thought, Y/N?"

I turned to her with a soft smile. "Yeah, just trying to wrap my head around all of this. It's amazing how life can change so quickly."

Kazuha nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "It truly is. And remember, you're not alone in this. You have people who care about you and want to see you happy."

Her words were a comforting reminder. I knew I could count on Kazuha's support, and that meant the world to me.

"Let's get moving,we wouldn't want to miss our schedule for the day, right? I'm absolutely thrilled about exploring The Louvre Museum with you," Kazuha mused, her voice tinged with anticipation. She chuckled lightly at the thought, imagining the delightful moments we'd share. "We'll be capturing and cherishing every single moment we spend in this beautiful country."

I smiled and nodded at her enthusiasm, "Let's begin our adventure of the day."

As the both of us exiting the elevator, we were greeted by the sight of everyone gathered in the lobby. My eyes immediately landed on Yunjin, engrossed in conversation with Ms. Son.

Yunjin noticed us and excused herself from the conversation, making her way towards Kazuha and me. A warm smile graced her lips as she approached.

"Good morning, Y/N. Kazuha," Yunjin greeted us, her eyes holding a glint of excitement.

"Morning! Ready for a day of exploration at The Louvre?" Kazuha replied, her energy infectious.

Yunjin chuckled, "Absolutely. I've heard so much about it from Y/N and I'm looking forward to experiencing the art and history."

Kazuha turned her head towards me and wiggling her eyebrows, "Museum date sounds great." she whispered.

I blushed at Kazuha's teasing comment. "No-uh, you are not leaving my side." I whispered, shooting her a playful glare.

Yunjin, who noticed our little interaction, now asked what we were talking about. I gave her an assuring smile, indicating that it was nothing to worry about. However, that's when Kazuha spoke up.

"Oh, I was just saying that a museum dat-"

Kazuha wasn't able to finish her sentence as I immediately covered her mouth with my palm. "We are just excited to explore the museum and see the famous arts in real life." I said with a calm expression.

Yunjin raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by our exchange. "Museum dates are indeed fascinating," she remarked, her eyes flickering between Kazuha and me. "Shall we head out, then?"

Kazuha grinned beneath my hand, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the playful banter. "Absolutely! Let's make it a day to remember," Kazuha declared as we all set off for our adventure at The Louvre.

As we strolled through the museum, surrounded by centuries of art and history, the atmosphere was filled with a blend of excitement and appreciation. It was a day where friendships deepened, and new chapters began to unfold.

In the midst of our museum exploration, I discreetly excused myself, expressing the need for a solo trip to the restroom. As I wandered down the quiet corridor, the distant echoes of conversation faded away, and the museum seemed to take on a more mysterious ambiance.

While washing my hands, I overheard a faint whimper emanating from the back of the restroom. Curiosity kicked in, prompting me to investigate the source of the sound.

As I strolled through a quiet alley, the distant sounds of the city faded into an unsettling silence. Suddenly, a faint whimper caught my attention, drawing me toward an unexpected scene. In the dimly lit alley, I saw a girl surrounded by menacing figures, one of them covering her mouth with his large palms.

Instinct kicked in, and without a second thought, I sprinted towards them. "Hey! Let her go!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the tension in the air. The attackers, momentarily startled, turned their attention to me.

I stood my ground, a mix of fear and determination in my eyes, ready to intervene and protect the girl from harm.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now