Chapter 16

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Hi guys, I'm posting two new chapters today because I'll be heading back to campus with classes starting on Monday. I'll try my best to write and publish more chapters as soon as I can. Your support means the world to me, and I'm so grateful for all the readers and votes. I truly hope you enjoy these new chapters,and please give them a vote if you do. 😊

Happy Reading!


3rd Person POV

In the English lecture, students were assigned a task,to create their own poem within an hour and share it with the class. The atmosphere in the room buzzed with creative energy.

Y/N, a passionate poet, embraced the challenge. Writing poems was her nightly ritual, and she couldn't wait to pour her emotions onto the paper.

As the minutes ticked away, you could see the determination on every student's face. Some scribbled furiously, while others took a more thoughtful approach. Y/N, in her element, wrote with a passionate enthusiasm that was both inspiring and contagious.

When the hour was up, Jennifer, the English lecturer, asked around the classroom if anyone would like to be the first presenter. Y/N held her completed poem like a cherished treasure, her excitement was so strong that Kazuha and Somi could feel it since they are the ones sitting next to her. However, she wasn't alone in her eagerness to share. A synchrony of hands shot up in the air among her fellow students, all eager for their chance to present their creative work.

"Y/N!!" Kazuha shouted, urging her enthusiastic friend to be the first to present. Y/N, however, blushed with embarrassment and shot her a playful glare.

"What? I didn't even raise my hand," Y/N retorted. "Let everyone else go first," she continued, chuckling awkwardly.

Yunjin glanced toward Y/N's seating row, her smile turning cheeky as she heard Y/N's voice. It had been a while since she last heard Y/N speak, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. Confusion and a touch of sadness lingered as she wondered why Y/N was acting distant and different towards her.

Yunjin swiftly composed herself and called out Kazuha's name instead. Laughter filled the room as they watched Kazuha's bewildered reaction, her hand absentmindedly scratching her un-itchy nape.

"Miss, it was an misunderstanding ," she reasoned, flashing an embarrassed smile.

Yunjin reassured her, "No worries, go ahead and present yours first."

With a sigh of resignation, Kazuha made her way to the front of the classroom. She straightened her posture and began her poetic presentation, diving into the verses of her own creation.

As each of them took their turn at the front of the class, the room filled with a passionate blend of emotions, words, and creativity. It was a reminder of the power of poetry to evoke strong feelings and connect people through the beauty of language.

"Y/N, do you want to present yours now?" Yunjin's voice, as soft as a gentle breeze, broke the classroom's hush.

The sound, so familiar and longed for, sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. She cleared her throat, her heart pounding like a drum, and managed a nervous nod in response.

As Y/N made her way to the front of the classroom, each step she took toward the front, her gaze met Yunjin's. Their eyes locked, holding a universe of unspoken words. Y/N's lips curved upward involuntarily, a smile forming as their eyes locked, an unspoken connection they both felt deep within.

Y/N took a deep breath, cradling her completed poem like a precious gem. She glanced over at Kazuha, who beamed with encouragement, offering a thumbs-up and a silent 'You can do it.' Y/N's face lit up with gratitude, and she answered with an encouraging smile of her own. As she cleared her throat, a surge of confidence washed over her, and she began her poetic presentation.


"When skies were shrouded in endless gray,
Six days of clouds, they hung and they stayed.
But then, a glimmer, a burst of light,
You appeared like the dawn, chasing the night."

"With your smile, the sun's gentle kiss,
You banished the storm, brought warmth and bliss.
In your presence, the world came alive,
Like a canvas in colors, where hopes revive."

"With each passing moment, my heart took flight,
For in you, I found my guiding light.
When it was cloudy for six days straight,
You were the sun, my love, my fate."


As Y/N concluded her poetry, the room was filled with a hushed sense of awe. Yunjin, however, felt a storm of emotions surging within her. She couldn't help but wonder if the poem was somehow about her. A wide, genuine smile stretched across her face, and she enthusiastically applauded Y/N's performance.

"Bravo, Y/N! That was simply outstanding," Yunjin praised her student warmly, her words met with a resounding round of applause from the class. Y/N's cheeks flushed with pride, bowing gratefully to Yunjin and her classmates as she made her way back to her seat.


As the class had ended a few minutes ago, I found myself strolling home alone. Kazuha had to rush to the airport to pick up her parents. She'd repeatedly apologized for not being able to drop me off, but I assured her I was perfectly fine with the walk.

As I strolled through the city streets, I couldn't help but drink in the beauty of my surroundings. The gentle hues of the setting sun painted the cityscape with a warm, golden glow. I came across a small shop, and there, a man perched on a ladder was fervently painting the store's exterior. His passion was evident in every stroke, and I couldn't resist stopping to admire his artistic dedication.

"I wish I could lend a hand," I mused to myself, "but I have to make it home before nightfall." A smile tugged at the corners of my lips at the thought of helping him.

Yet, as I continued to observe the dedicated painter, a strange sensation washed over me. It felt as if I'd witnessed this very scene before, a strange sense of déjà vu pulling me into a familiar memory.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now