Chapter 28

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"Oh, unnie and I are just good friends. We had an awesome time exploring new places together, but it's nothing more than that," my brother, Juyeon, playfully mocked me for saying that yesterday, to which I smacked the hell out of him.

"Deserve," I glared at him.

Yup, he's my designated chauffeur today, maybe for the rest of the month, thanks to his semester break. So, I'll be spending a lot of quality time with him —not that I mind, since I've missed hanging out with him.

"Alright, enough jokes. We have somewhere to be. Mom and dad are already there," my brother declared.

With that, he drove off. The journey was a blast, with us jamming to some bops. Not long later, we arrived to a destination just around my neighborhood "Whose house is this?"

"You might be wondering, but let's step inside first," said my brother.

Exiting the car, the maids stood beside the gates and bowed to us. Amidst them, a familiar car caught my eye. It's Jennifer Huh's.

"I had no idea she lived around here," I mused quietly.

"Ahh, Y/N, Juyeon... you guys are finally here. Welcome in, Yunjin will be down shortly."

"Good evening, Mrs. Huh." Both my brother and I greeted Yunjin's mom with politeness.

"Drop the formalities, just call me mom from now on." Mrs Huh declared while a teasing smile.

I blushed slightly at her statement, and my brother immediately nudged me with his playful smile. As we made our way into the Huh residence, the warm ambiance of the house enveloped us. The interior was elegant yet inviting, a reflection of the Huh family's refined taste.

Mrs. Huh led us to the living room, where we settled onto plush sofas. My brother, ever the social butterfly, engaged in light banter with Mrs. Huh while I couldn't help but steal glances at the surroundings, trying to ease my slight embarrassment.

Yunjin entered the room with a bright smile, breaking the ice, "Hey, glad you could make it! How was the drive?"

It took awhile for me to respond because I was in awe of how amazing she looked. My brother noticed my silence and chimed in, "It was great. We had some fantastic music playing, thanks to Y/N's playlist."

The mention of my name brought me back to reality to which I couldn't help but join the conversation, "Yeah, oppa almost turned our car into a concert on wheels."

Everyone chuckled, and Mrs. Huh, with a twinkle in her eye, remarked, "Well, that sounds like a fun way to arrive."

This time, my mom eagerly joined the conversation with a smile. "You're absolutely right. Y/N would turn her room into a concert hall whenever she's deep into her painting sessions."

Her statement caught me off guard, and I immediately hid my face in my palms out of embarrassment.

"Mom, did you really have to spill the beans to everyone?" I whined, a playful protest escaping my lips.

"Aww, is my little sister suddenly feeling shy?" My brother teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he playfully ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, why not? Your future wife has to know this."my mom added with a sly grin, and this time, I could feel the warmth creeping up my face at her words.

"Alright, you've got me there. Excuse my curiosity, but may I ask why we're here in the first place?" I inquired, raising one of my eyebrows with a polite tone.

"Indeed, Yunjin shared with me that you've accepted the arrangement," Mrs. Huh confirmed.

I'm pleasantly surprised by how swiftly Yunjin conveyed the news to her family. Does this imply that I've made the right decision? Her genuine enthusiasm about marrying me appears evident.

However, one thing that piques my curiosity is what Mrs. Huh meant during her sudden appearance in my house when my family was discussing about this , "It's not just about the company. There's another reason Yunjin wants to marry you for."

"I'm not sure if any of you saw the news or heard the rumors, but they were spreading like wildfire around the campus, and..." I sighed softly,

"..and you accepted this arrangement out of pity?" Yunjin suddenly chimed in which caught me off guard.

"What? Absolutely not." I voiced my disagreement.

"Allow me a moment to unfold my second reason," I began, the air thick with anticipation. "Accepting this arrangement isn't just about shielding you from the expected criticisms. In the world of students, blame often lands on teachers and lecturers first. I want to spare you that burden, and you won't have to bear the weight of their judgment. As for me, I can face and handle the criticism alone.

Now, for my first reason, the one that beats beneath the surface of practicality," I confessed, locking eyes with Huh Yunjin. "It's because I genuinely have feelings for you. This decision isn't just a solution to bypass gossip, it's a testament to my affection for you. Even without the constraints of this arrangement, I would willingly take you as my wife."

The confession hung in the air, the room now filled with a charged silence, as if time itself paused to witness the sincerity of the moment.

Yunjin's eyes softened as she absorbed my confession. The charged silence lingered for a heartbeat before she spoke, "I appreciate your honesty, and I never expected this."

The room seemed to exhale collectively, and Mrs. Huh, with a knowing smile, broke the tension, "Well, this is quite the unexpected turn. Young love is always full of surprises."

"Absolutely," my mom agreed, nodding in sync with Mrs. Huh's observation.

"But one thing that piqued my curiosity is the things Mrs. Huh said about you wanting to marry me besides the company," I confessed, seeking clarification.

"Actually, it wasn't really about the company, Y/N-ah... we just made it up," my brother spilled the truth, receiving an immediate smack from my dad.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of him getting smacked, but I immediately composed myself as I realized what he had just revealed.

"Huh?" I softly uttered while scratching my head, not understanding what's really happening here.

"Yeah, about that..."

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now