Chapter 12

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Got a call from Y/N earlier today , saying she misses me. Not exactly missing me but let's just say it that way. "Gosh, stop this nonsense ,Jennifer." I facepalm myself.

It doesn't take that long for me to arrive since our house is not far from each other. Basically, I stay in the same residence as her and so I am now standing in front of her house waiting for her to open the door. Instead of being greeted by a person or so, I am greeted by the screams of the person inside.

"Y/N!!!!" she furiously screamed and all I could hear from the other is laughter.

Not long after, she opens the door. Wait , not she but they, Kazuha and Somi.

"Hey guys?" I gave them a questioning look since I'm still confused about what's happening inside.

"Hi JenJen" Kazuha greeted and gave me the teasing look.

I have no clue why'd she even tease me after calling me b- "Oh wait, I got it now." realization finally hits me. That's the name Y/N called me earlier which took me by surprise because she's not the type to call me by nicknames or even create one. I'm not complaining tho. Hehe~

"Hey, Kazuha and Somi... may I come in now?" I asked.

The both of them nodded and lead the way to where Y/N is. She's still laughing at gods know what it is.

"What's up with her?" I asked the two girls who seem to be annoyed by the girl's laughter.

"Yah, stop laughing will you?" Kazuha scolded to which Y/N immediately sat straight up and doing the 'zipping' gestures to her lips. "Good girl" Zuha chuckled while Somi patting Y/N's head.

"Okay, do you mind telling me what the screams were about?" I raised my right eyebrow as I wait for at least one of them to tell me the story.

Y/N clears her throat and starts telling me the pranks that she successfully pulled on the both Kazuha and Somi. She proceeds to laugh whilst telling me the stories, also, the reactions of her victims.

I can't contain my smile anymore at the sight of Y/N being this happy as her laughter echoing through the living rooms. I honestly have never seen her this way before, however, I'm glad that she's slowly becoming comfortable enough to show this side of her to both Somi and I.

-time skips-

Kazuha's POV

After 4 hours of playing video games, all of us are hungry and Y/N informed that she will be cooking for us dinner, however, she ran out of ingredients and insisted me to buy it.

With that being said, Somi decided to accompany me to the convenience store. The two of us are now at the nearest store. As I was busy searching for the things Y/N had told me to buy, Somi asked something that caught me off guard.

"I don't know if you know this but what's going on between Y/N and Chaewon?" The moment the C word left her mouth, I stopped on my tracks, thinking if I heard it right.

"I'm sorry, Y/N and who?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"Kim Chaewon."

"Hold on, how do you know her?" again I questioned her.

"Oh you didn't know? She joined our softball team and the coach is her uncle." She simply answered while her gaze is now on the food shelf.

"She's back? That's weird considering- "

Now I understand why Y/N was so in her deep thoughts earlier. She's probably thinking about the bitch that ruined her life. I wonder what the Kim Chaewon is planning now. Is she perhaps prepare for another murder or something else.

"Nah, not on my watch. I'll keep my eyes close on Y/N for now. But why didn't Y/N told me about it? Did Chaewon already did something bad to her or did Chaewon threate-"

"Nakamura Kazuha!" My thoughts was disrupted by Somi's voice and nudges me  "Is there something wrong?" She asked, I shook my head and smiled indicating that I'm fine.

"There's nothing wrong, Somi. Let's go, Y/N might scold us for taking so long." she looked at me suspiciously so I dragged her to the counter to make payments.

I know she was curious about the things going on between Y/N and Chaewon but I can't tell Somi about it just yet. Not that I don't trust her and I'm aware of her silly crush on Y/N but that's not my story to tell.

The both of us then make it to the car and the drive back to Y/N's house is quiet so I decided to break the awkward silence.

"You know Y/N is my bestfriend right and I would do literally anything for her that includes if someone dares to mess with her." I gaze at Somi and saw her gulping as she heard what I said.

I'm not doubting her genuinity or anything but I need to make sure if Somi really is genuine about her feelings towards Y/N and of course I want the best for her. Since Somi is in the same club as Y/N, my instinct is telling me to tell her about Chaewon including the things she did to Y/N just so I can have someone to look out for my bestfriend while I'm not around, needless to say, I'm not using Somi for my own sake but if she really cares about Y/N then she have to show it, right?

"Mind telling me what you like about her?" I asked.

"It's difficult to put into words, but all I know is that I feel good when I'm around her. She's hard to read sometimes but from what I notice, she's thoughtful, smart, passionate etc. Though, she has short-tempered, still deep down she cares about the people around especially you,Kazuha." She enthusiastically talks about my bestfriend as I can see the sparkle in her eyes "But I know I don't and won't have a chance with her. I see how she looks at Miss Jen. That's not how normal person would stare at someone they enthusiast."

Her answer was what I expected to hear and I can see how her mood changed as she said the last sentence. It's not angry but melancholy. I gazed up at her and gave her assurance with a smile.

"Can you stop somewhere for a while?"


"You were curious about Chaewon, right? Well, it's not my story to tell but just promise me you will stay with Y/N no matter what happens between the two of you and never tell anyone about this. Promise?" I raised my pinky finger to her.

"Promise." She stated happily and crossed her pinky finger to mine.

In spite of that, I began telling my story to her. She listens to me attentively and I can see her fuming over the misery that Chaewon has caused to Y/N.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now