Chapter 26

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"Who the fuck are you?" one of the males demanded, his tone laced with aggression. The others fell into an uneasy silence.

"Are you here to offer your body, babygirl?" he sneered, his words now dripping with contempt. The alley, once filled with their disturbing laughter, became a battleground of words and tension.

"Who the hell do you think I am? The welcoming committee?" I retorted, my voice carrying a hint of sarcasm. The males exchanged uncertain glances, caught off guard by the unexpected defiance.

"Oh, great! A comedian," another sneered.

"Is this some kind of twisted pickup line?" I shot back, maintaining a sarcastic tone, my Muay Thai training subtly coming into play as I positioned myself strategically, preparing for whatever might unfold.

The leader, growing impatient, clenched his fists. "You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, smart mouth."

I chuckled, unfazed. "Well, it's not every day I get an invitation to a dark alley party. What's the occasion?"

To my surprise, even in the midst of the tense situation, the girl I was defending couldn't help but giggle at my unexpected humor. However, the leader suddenly turned to her with horror in his eyes, and she instantly fell silent, fear replacing her amusement.

Noticing the shift, I took a step forward, my tone now deadly serious. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her, you dumbfuck." My Muay Thai stance became more pronounced, ready to defend not only against physical threats but also to protect the vulnerable from any harm.

"Huh, getting defensive now, are you? Is this girl someone special to you?" said one of the males, attempting to exploit the tension in the air.

"Special? Oh, she's the dark alley MVP. I'm just here for the thrills and spills," I retorted, my voice laced with sarcasm. The other males exchanged puzzled glances, momentarily caught off guard by my unexpected humor.

"Didn't you know? Dark alleys are the new dating hotspots," I continued, feigning enthusiasm. "Nothing says romance like menacing figures and unsolicited commentary."

The leader, growing increasingly frustrated, tried to regain control of the situation. "You think you're clever, huh?"

"Well, I like to think of myself as the designated entertainer of the evening," I replied with a smirk.

Before I could continue my sarcastic banter, the girl I was defending stepped forward and declared, "Actually, she's my girlfriend." Her unexpected statement hung in the air, causing a sudden shift in the atmosphere.

All of the guys stopped moving and laughed "Hahaha, so you're both a bunch of lesbos. Well, that still doesn't change a fact that I still want to taste your body." The leader said with lust in his eyes while staring down at the girl.

My eyes narrowed at the crude remark, my sarcastic demeanor giving way to a more serious expression. "Real charming. But here's the thing – consent is kind of a non-negotiable requirement for that sort of thing," I retorted, emphasizing the gravity of their inappropriate comments.

The girl by my side visibly tensed, her discomfort palpable in the dimly lit alley. The atmosphere shifted from a battlefield of words to an unsettling confrontation.

The leader, seemingly undeterred by my response, smirked. "We don't need your consent, sweetheart. Just a little taste."

My expression hardened, and I spoke with resolve, "Well, that's not happening. Instead, you're about to get a firsthand experience of what a big mistake feels like." Activating my Muay Thai training, I swiftly moved into action, using precise techniques to defend against their advances.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя