Chapter 18

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The two girls settled in the park, finding a cozy spot beneath a large oak tree. The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden hue over their surroundings, creating a serene atmosphere. Yunjin, always the storyteller, began sharing one of her dad's legendary jokes, and it didn't take long for Y/N to burst into laughter.

As Y/N laughed, Yunjin couldn't help but notice how her eyes sparkled with joy. The professor felt a genuine sense of accomplishment, knowing she had the power to brighten the younger's mood.

"Unnie, you're so hilarious," Y/N said with a grin, wiping away a tear from her eye.

"I'm delighted you enjoy my jokes, sweet pie," Yunjin replied, her eyes reflecting the warmth of the setting sun.

"Sweet what?! Pie?!" Y/N questioned, raising an eyebrow.

With a playful giggle, Yunjin leaned in closer, her voice softening. "You're my sweet pie," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing a strand of Y/N's hair.

Y/N blushed slightly at the affection but didn't pull away. She mumbled softly, "Stop making me feel things I shouldn't be feeling for my professor," the words hanging in the air like a secret longing.

The park was quiet except for the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze, and as the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows, the connection between Y/N and Yunjin deepened. It was a moment they would both remember, a turning point in their relationship that neither could ignore.

Yunjin, her eyes sparkling with intrigue, leaned in closer, the air between them charged with a playful tension. "Oh, but Y/N," she whispered sensually, "sometimes the best things in life are the ones we shouldn't feel."

Y/N's heart raced as she met Yunjin's gaze, feeling a magnetic pull she couldn't resist. She leaned closer, her lips almost touching her professor's ear, and asked, "Is that so, Miss Jennifer? Should I be worried about our little secret?"

Yunjin shivered slightly as Y/N's warm breath brushed against her skin. They locked eyes, both with intense gazes. "Secrets can be intriguing, don't you think?" Yunjin replied, her voice filled with seduction.

Y/N flashed a mischievous grin, her playful side taking over. "Well, Miss Jennifer , I've always had a talent for keeping secrets," she teased, her tone filled with humor.

Yunjin chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Is that so, my sweet pie?" She leaned in a bit closer, their faces mere inches apart. "Care to share any of those secrets with me?"

Y/N pretended to think deeply, tapping her chin with her finger. "Hmm, maybe someday, Lovely lady. But for now, let's keep enjoying our little mysteries," she replied, her voice light and flirtatious.

They laughed together under the oak tree, enjoying their playful conversation while the leaves rustled in the background.

Yunjin leaned back, her smile still lingering. "You're quite mysterious , Y/N," she remarked, her gaze locked onto Y/N's eyes.

Y/N grinned, a hint of a wink in her expression. "Well, Miss Jen, life's more interesting when it's a bit mysterious, don't you think?"

Yunjin chuckled softly, her fingers absentmindedly tracing a pattern on the grass. "Indeed, sweet pie, indeed."She glanced at her watch, sounding a bit reluctant, "As much as I'd love to chat more, I have some grading to do."

Y/N nodded in understanding, though her eyes held a hint of playfulness. "No worries, lovely lady. We'll save the mysteries for another day." She got up gracefully, stretching her arms.

Yunjin stood as well and offered, "How about I give you a lift back home, Y/N? It's the least I can do after distracting you."

Y/N's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "That would be great, JenJen. Thank you."

As they made their way to Yunjin's car, the warm, unspoken connection between them lingered, leaving the promise of more intriguing encounters in the future.

With the car door opened for the younger by Yunjin, Y/N slid into the passenger seat, and they set off towards her mansion . The gentle hum of the engine filled the silence between them, accompanied by the distant sounds of the city nightlife.

As they approached her building, Y/N turned to Yunjin and smiled warmly. "Thanks again for the ride, JenJen. It's been quite the evening."

Yunjin mirrored her smile, her eyes holding a glint of intrigue. "You're welcome, sweet pie," she said, her tone warm and playful. "And do call me JenJen or Lovely lady often because it's my favorite now," she added with a wink, deepening the connection between them.

Y/N nodded appreciatively. "Anything for you, Lovely lady. Have a great evening and get that grading done."

Yunjin chuckled softly. "I will. Take care, Y/N. Until next time." Their parting words held the promise of more intriguing encounters to come.

With a friendly wave, Y/N got out of the car, seeing Yunjin drive off. She felt like this meeting had opened up an interesting and unexpected opportunity. As she walked into her mansion, she knew her mind would be occupied with thoughts of the intriguing professor and the mysteries behind their playful conversation.

The young lecturer (Huh Yunjin x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now