Chapter 3

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All of us sit at their kitchen table, Marcus, and his parents on one side, and Axel, Logan and I on the other side.

"Why would you have age progression photos of me when I do not know you?" I ask nervously, chewing on my lower lip.

"Like I said, our youngest son was kidnapped as a young child," Mrs. Sawyer says again. "We have reason to believe you might be him. Marcus spoke of you this morning, about how he realized you reminded him of the photos we have. Alexander, our youngest son, he has a birthmark on his left hip bone in the shape of a medium sized heart. He also has a birthmark splotch, medium sized, on his stomach, over his belly button."

Swallowing thickly, I silently stand, pulling my shirt up to my chest, revealing my stomach, and the birthmark she just explained. Turning slightly to the left with my shirt still up, and pull my waist band of my pants down slightly to show the heart shaped birthmark on my hip. My mind is racing at all of this information, and I want to know how this is even possible, and why.

"How is this possible?" I murmur, totally confused and scared.

"Have you ever seen your birth certificate, Addison?" Axel asks. "You said your mom cannot find it right now, so you can get your driver's license."

"No, I have never seen it," I answer with a frown, dropping my shirt, and letting go of my waistband. "Every time I asked to see it, mom would change the subject, or yell at me about not needing to see it. I always have wanted to see if my dad is listed, so I can contact him."

"Would you be willing to do a blood and DNA tests with us?" Mr. Sawyer gently asks, and I drop my head toward the table, and sit down as I think.

"Can I think about this, please?" I quietly reply as I look him in the eyes.

Mr. Sawyer nods with a soft smile; "Of course you can, Addison. Take a couple of days, and think this over. No pressure from us, and whatever you decide will we respect."

Silently nodding as I sit in silence for a moment before asking a question that I want answered, but I do not want answered; "Do you know who kidnapped your son?"

"We do not know her name, or why she did this," Mr. Sawyer answers. "He was at the nearby park with the Nanny while Marcus was home in bed, sick with the flu. Amelia, she was the kids' Nanny, and she was not watching Alexander like she was supposed, too. Instead, she was snogging with her boyfriend, who she invited to the park. A few other adults at the park, noticed Alexander leaving the park with a woman, but they had not seen who Alexander had gone there with, so they thought nothing of this, especially because he was not fighting about leaving with her."

"Did any of the witness give a description of the woman who took your son?" I ask, hoping they do not describe my mom. "How old was your son when he was kidnapped?"

"Alexander was 2-years-old, and yes, we have a sketch of the woman," Mr. Sawyer replies, and his wife hands me a paper from the age progression photos.

Tears instantly fill my eyes as I look at the sketch of the woman, and pull up a picture of mom, granddad and me that I recently took that is my home screen.

"I will do the blood and DNA tests, but can these be done without her consent because I and under eighteen?" I sniffle, trying not to cry at my life probably turning upside down, and everything I know being a lie.

"Yes, we can have our private doctor who can do these without needing parental consent," Mr. Sawyer answers, grabbing his phone off the table from in front of him before excusing himself from the room.

We remain silent until he returns, and I cannot look at anyone around me, and when Mr. Sawyer returns, he has a small smile on his lips; "Doctor Smith will be here in thirty minutes to perform both tests. He will rush the results, so we should have these back by Tuesday at the latest."

"What happens if these tests prove I am your missing son?" I softly ask, picking at my fingers of my right hand.

"Then we take this proof to our lawyer, then this will be brought before a judge who will decide if you are to be returned to us, or another option, and what will happen to the woman who took you," Mr. Sawyer replies.

"Okay," I murmur, not feeling well. "I am gonna head home after the doctor leaves. I need to think over all of this."

"You do not have to leave afterwards," Marcus says, almost like he does not want me to leave them. "But if you really want to leave, the guys and I will give you a ride home, so you do not have to walk."

"Thanks, Marcus," I murmur, my thoughts starting to spiral at all the negativity that I am feeling about my mom if this turns out to be true.

Thirty minutes later, there is a knock at the front door, and Mr. Sawyer leaves the kitchen to answer the door, and returns with a man that is dressed in a nice pair of black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a white sweater, and has a duffel bag slung across his shoulders. He stops at the end of the table, next to me as he pulls his bag off his body, and places it on the table top.

"I need your arm, please," Dr. Smith requests with the blue rubber band thingy in his hand to wrap around my upper arm before looking for a vein to use in the inner bend of my elbow.

When he finds a vein he likes, he pulls the cap of a needle, hooking a vial to the end, and inserts the tip of the needle into my arm to draw some blood. When he has the amount he needs, he removes everything, and caps the vial, placing it in the zip lock bag he has. He then swabs the inside of my left cheek of my mouth, and sticks it into its own tube, and closes the lid.

"Aren't you gonna do this to them, too?" I question the doctor as he cleans up.

"No, I already ave theirs on file," Doctor Smith answer with a smile.

"Okay," I whisper with a nod.

"I will rush the results, so these should be back no later than Tuesday," he says to us all, and after the doctor leaves the house, Marcus, Logan, and Axel take me home.

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