Chapter 6

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The Detectives tell me that once Mary is arrested, and brought her to the station, they will return to escort us to granddad's house, so we can pack up my belongings. They said they have to escort us there, and be present while we get my belongings to make sure nothing is taken that is not mine, that nothing is destroyed or tampered with, and that nothing bad happens between us and granddad. I know nothing bad will happen, and that we will keep everything civil, but I understand their point. They also said the judge ordered for me to start living here with the Sawyer's immediately, and that is why we are getting my belongings from granddad's house.

"May I talk to him as long as the conversation remains calm?" I ask the Detectives, and they agree to this.

Several hours later, the Detectives return looking a little exhausted, and this makes me a little nervous about how Mary reacted to the Detectives , and them being there to arrest her.

"Let's go, so you can gather your belongings, and say your goodbye's, our whatever you need to say to Royce," Detective Bishop states with tired and sad eyes.

The six of us take two different cars - Marcus' and Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer's, and the Detectives follow behind us in their car to granddad's house. When we arrive at the house, I nervously ask the Detectives if I knock, or just walk inside, and they tell me to knock, so that is what I do. Granddad opens the door slowly a few minutes later with a sullen expression which I hate. He slowly steps back, opening the door as he moves out of the way, mumbling for us to come inside.

We step inside, and once everyone is inside, and the door is shut, I tightly hug him, sobbing into his chest as we tightly hug each other.

"I am sorry I never knew what Mary did to you, and your biological family," granddad sobs into my hair. "She showed me documents that looked real, stating that she had adopted you from an orphanage. If I had known what she had done, I would have called the police. I am so sorry, Addison."

"I do not blame you for what she did," I sniffle, pulling away to wipe my face free of the tears. "If I can, I will come visit soon."

My last comment, I glance at Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer to get their permission or not. They nod in agreement with tiny smiles. We pack up my room, and the two Detectives stand watching while this is done. An hour later, we had everything packed, and loaded into the two vehicles.

Arriving at the Sawyer's house after a long, teary goodby with granddad, my belongings are brought to my bedroom, the one that was mine when I was two.

"Do you want to unpack now, or after dinner?" Mrs. Sawyer asks as we place the last boxes in the room.

"Um, after, if that is okay?" I reply, feeling a little lost as I look around the bedroom.

"After is fine," she answers with a warm, teary smile. "What are we having for dinner? I think you should pick."

"Um, can we have pizza with soda?" I eagerly ask, bouncing in my spot with wide eyes.

"Of course we can," Mr. Sawyer chuckles. "I will order the food."

He pulls his cell from his front right pocket to place the order with a huge smile; "Alright, the food will be here in thirty, so I suggest we get things ready to watch a movie in the living room while we eat dinner after it arrives."

We do this by gathering blankets for each of us, but I wanna share with Logan, but I am unsure how to approach him on this request. I just decided to ask because the worst he can say is 'no'.

"Can we share a blankie?" I whisper to him with an anxious expression as we stand facing each other.

"Sure we can, Addison," he grins with a wink.

Him calling me 'Addison' makes me think of an important question for the Sawyers. Looking over at the two adults, nervously asking; "What should I call you two? What name do I go by - Addison or Alexander? I am so confused right now."

They look at each other for a second before softly smiling at me with Mr. Sawyer saying; "How about for right now, you call us Joyce and Martian until you are comfortable calling us mom and dad. No pressure on when this happens, okay?"

When I nod, he continues; "WIth your name, we would like to call you Alexander, but Joyce and I discussed that if you were our son, we would call you Alexander or the name you went by. We even agreed that if you would like, we will go to the courthouse to legally change your name to Addison."

Chewing on my lip for a second before nodding, and ask; "What is the middle name you gave me?"

"James," Mrs. Sawyer grins fondly toward me. "James is my father. Marcus' middle name is Jay which is Martin's dad."

Fondly smiling back at her; "Are both of your parents alive?"

"Yeah, they are, and they are gonna be excited that you are home, just like we are!" Marcus cheers with a large grin.

"Really?" I hopefully ask with a tiny smile. "I just hope they like me."

"They will love you just like we do," Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer assure me.

"Thank you, Joyce and Martian," I murmur with a warm, fuzzy feeling coursing through my body.

When the food delivery arrives, Martian leaves the room to get the food, and the rest of us head into the kitchen to get everything ready, so we can get our food, and then watch a movie. Once we have our food and drink, all of us settle around the living room, under blankets, and Logan and I share a blankie, and I feel cozy and loved.

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