Chapter 15

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Four and a half months have passed, and today is the day Logan and I find out, well possibly find out the birth gender of our baby. Our appointment is after the school day is over, the appointment is at three-thirty. Logan moved into the house with me, and into my bedroom. No, his parents did not kick him out, or anything like that. His parents and mine had gotten together several times with Logan and me, and both of our parents thought that it would be best if Logan and I lived in one house together. Our parents agreed that this arrangement would best for us and our baby, and he and I visit his parents regularly.

Oh, I also transitioned to online schooling from home until the end of this school year, and I cannot be happier about this. I do not want to be harassed or bullied for being a 16-year-old pregnant male.

"Baby, are you ready to leave?" Logan asks while walking through the front door after arriving home from school.

"Yeah," I answer, grabbing my wallet, keys, and cell off the coffee table in front of me as I stand from the couch.

Waddling over to him with my left hand cradling the underside of my large baby belly with a warm smile toward Logan.

"Hi babe, how was school?" I ask him after giving him a soft kiss on the mouth.

"Hi baby," he greets back with a smile of his own while opening the door for me, and letting me walk out ahead of him. "School was okay, but very boring without you there."

Turning to look at him over my left shoulder with a small pout, and I find him pouting, too, and I gently reply; "I am sorry, Logan. I can come back to school."

I do not want to go back to the school while pregnant, but if this would make him happy, then I will do this for him. He shuts the door, and locking it behind us before he gently grabs my right hand, tugging me to a stop.

He frowns down at me; "Baby boy, I appreciate your offer, I really do, but I want you here at home where you are happy and healthy. I know you are better off here because you are safe and healthy, and so is our baby."

"O-okay," I sniffle, my eyes filling with tears because I feel guilty, and that I am disappointing him by not being there at the school with him.

"Alexander, I did not make that comment in order to make you feel bad about not being at the school. I am really okay with you finishing the school year here online," he softly says with a squeeze of my hand.

"Okay," I mumble thickly, wiping at my eyes to remove the tears. "I am sorry for being so emotional."

"Baby, you are allowed to be emotional," he softly assures, kissing me on the forehead. "Come on, let's go see our baby, okay?"

Nodding with a sniffle, we climb into his truck, and he drives us to the doctor's office. Checking myself in at the front desk, then Logan and I sit in the waiting area next to each other while we wait for me to be called back.

"Alexander Sawyer?" a male nurse with a clipboard asks from the doorway with a warm smile.

Logan stands, turning to me with his palms out toward me, and once I place my palms in his, he helps me to my feet. We walk over to him, and he warmly greets us as he leads us to the scale in the corner.

"Please step up onto the scale, Mr. Sawyer," the nurse politely requests, and I nod, slipping off my black Nike slides, and hand Logan my cell, keys, and wallet before standing on the scale that faces the cream colored wall.

The screen on the scale reads '125', and this makes me frown because I thought I had gained more weight than three pounds since my last appointment.

"Please follow me," he says with a smile. "We are going to room three."

Inside the room, the nurse takes my pulse and blood pressure, along with asking me a few questions before leaving the room with a promise that Doctor Walsh will be with us shortly.

"What is your guess on the baby's gender?" I ask Logan while I settle comfortably on the bed thingy, and Logan is sitting on the chair next to me.

"Um, I think the baby is going to be a boy, but I will be just as happy if the baby is a girl," he answers with a bright smile.

"I think the baby is a girl, but I would be happy if the baby is a boy," I grin at him.

"We shall hopefully find out soon," he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

There is a light knock on the door before it opens, and Doctor Walsh steps inside with a smile, and a soft 'hello.'

"Are you excited to possibly find out the baby's gender?" she asks, sitting on the rolly doctor's seat with a large grin.

Logan and I eagerly nod with excited 'yes!', and she softly laughs as she pulls on a pair of gloves to start the ultrasound. Pulling my shirt up to my chest, and fold down the band of my maternity leggings, so Doctor Walsh can place the cold gel on my belly, and uses the wand to look at the baby through the monitor. She stops the wand a few times to look at the baby, pressing buttons on the keyboard and mouse pad before grinning over at us.

"You guys are positive you want to know the gender, right?" she asks for clarification with raised eyebrows, and we eagerly nod in agreement.

She turns the screen toward us, pointing at the genitals of the baby with a huge smile; "Congratulations guys, you are having a baby..."

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