Chapter 18

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Friday nights at home are usually pretty calm with the five of us ordering food for delivery, eating in the living room while we watch a movie together. Each Friday night movie, a different person picks each week, and sometimes we play a board or card game before bed. Tonight is now different for us. We order Korean for dinner, and will be sitting around the living room while eating, and watching the movie 'Don't Worry, Darling' with Harry Styles. I am sitting between Logan's spread legs with my back against his chest, and his back against the wall, and my takeout container sitting on my belly, and my head is resting on his right shoulder.

"That movie was really good, but really freaking disturbing," I mumble when the movie ends, and I sit forward to stand, and throw away everyone's empty container, and then use the bathroom.

Waddling from the bathroom once I am done throwing away the containers, I find everyone sitting around the table to play 'Uno.' Getting myself a glass of water while asking if anyone else wants something to drink, and I am the only one who wants a drink. Joining them at the table, sitting next to Logan with Marcus on Logan's other side, and our parents are across from us. Dad shuffles the cards several times before dealing out the cards to everyone, and starts the game. An hour of playing the game, I call it a night because I have been constantly yawning for the last twenty minutes.

"I am gonna call it a night," I say, yawning into my left palm again. "Good night everyone, and I love you all."
Leaning over, I give Logan a brief kiss on the lips with a mumbled, 'Night, I love you.'

"Good night, baby, and I love you, too," he replies against my lips before giving me a peck. "I will be up soon, okay?"

"Okay, but do not rush if you are not ready to come to bed yet," I reply with another yawn.

Logan nods with a promise that he will be up to bed shortly, and I nod in reply, knowing that is pointless to argue with him. Waddling up to my bedroom, heading into the bathroom to wee, wash my hands and face, and brush my teeth before waddling into the bedroom, and over to the bed, and climbing under the covers. About twenty minutes later, Logan climbs into the bed behind me, gently pulling me into his body with a gentle kiss to the skin under my right ear. Humming in contentment at his simple actions.

"I love you, baby boy," Logan mumbles into the back of my hair as he places his warm palm on my belly. "I love our princess, too."

"We love you, too," I murmur, snuggling back further into his body with a content sigh. "We will see you in the morning."

"See you in the morning, love," he murmurs, almost asleep like me.

The next morning, I am jolted awake by my daughter kicking or punching my full bladder. Quickly untangling myself from Logan's hold, and get out of the to rush as fast as I can to the bathroom. Not trusting my aim at this moment, I decide to sit down on the toilet set to wee. Flushing the toilet when I finish, I waddle over to the sink to wash my hands and face, and teeth before leaving the bathroom. Wanting to crawl back into the bed because I am still tired, but decide not to because I am hungry. Grabbing my cell off the nightstand where it was charging, I leave the bedroom for the kitchen for a snack. Entering the kitchen, I am surprised to find Marcus and Joyce sitting across the table from each other with a cup of coffee, and they instantly stop talking when I enter the room.

"Morning," I say confused as to why they stop talking as soon as I entered the room. "Sorry for interrupting your conversation. I am gonna grab a quick snack and drink and leave, so you can continue your conversation."

I felt weird about them stopping their conversation when I entered the room. Glancing at the clock on the stove, finding that it is 8 a.m. as I walk over to the fridge to grab a mozzarella cheese stick, and an apple juice bottle.

"Sorry again," I mumble, avoiding their gazes as I quickly leave the room, well as quickly as I can waddle.

Waddling up to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me as tears fill my eyes at what happened in the kitchen. I feel like I bothered them by coming into the room for a snack. Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the cheese stick and bottle of apple juice, my stomach twists into knots. No longer hungry, I sniffle, wiping my face with my left hand.

Jumping slightly when Logan's hand slides up my back, and his raspy voice asks; "What is wrong, baby?"

"Nothing really," I softly sniffle as I place my items on the nightstand to lie on my side to face him. "I am just being hormonal, really. I went into the kitchen for a snack, and when I stepped into the room Marcus and Joyce instantly stopped speaking to each other. I feel bad for disrupting their conversation, and I feel horrible that they are keeping secrets. I am just being stupid."

"First off, you aren't being stupid or hormonal," he softly says in a firm tone as he swipes hair away from my eyes. "You are allowed to feel how you are feeling at the moment. I would have found that weird and upsetting if they did that to me."

Sniffling, I nod, not really believing him, but not in the mood to argue, so instead I ask; "Will you hold me, please?"

He does.

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