Chapter 19

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"Logan!" I groan during the early morning hours of a Sunday morning three months later while I am nine months pregnant.

Reaching over to shake him awake by his shoulder with a whimper of pain as a jolt of pain rolling through my belly. Logan's eyes snap open in surprise, bolting upright on his side of his bed.

"What is wrong?" he sleepy asks, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

"We need to go to the hospital, I am in labor," I gasp as the contraction starts to let up.

"Alright, let's go," he says, sounding more alert than when I woke him. "Everything is in the car already."

"Okay," I mumble, carefully standing off the bed with his hand. "What time is it?"

"Um, it is 4:24 a.m.," he answers, grabbing my cell off my nightstand where it was charging, and he has already grabbed it off his side of the bed, and slips mine in his back pocket.

By the time we reach the front door, I am having another contraction. Tightening my hand on Logan's with a soft whimper of pain, and he rubs his palm against my lower back which I appreciate because it alleviates a small amount of pain.

Twenty minutes and four contractions later, we finally arrive at the hospital where Logan quickly parks, and we slowly make our way inside the building. He helped me sit on a chair before registering me at the front desk, and returning to me as quickly as he could.

"They will have you in a room in a few minutes," he states with a weary smile, and places his palm on my thigh with a soft squeeze for comfort.

Humming at him with a tiny nod as another contraction starts, and I grab his hand to squeeze it in pain. Just then a male nurse comes through a set of double doors, pushing a wheelchair, and a warm smile as he softly calls out my name. Logan stands, holding onto my bent elbows to help me stand to my feet. We walking over to the nurse, and he helps me to sit down on the wheelchair.

"Hello gentlemen," the nurse politely greets. "My name is Ashton, and I will be your nurse until 7 a.m."

He pushes me down the hallway toward a birthing room as Logan and I greet him back quietly since it is early in the morning.

"Here we are," Ashton says, pressing the button to let us into a birthing room, and pushes me inside, and stops next to the bed. "Alright, I am going to leave you for a moment, so you can change into the gown on the bed, and settle on the bed. When you are settled, I will come back into the room to hook you up to the monitors, okay?"

"Okay, thank you," I murmur, carefully standing as Ashton moves to leave the room since the hospital gown is folded neatly in front of me on the bed.

Logan moves to my side to help me change into the hospital gown, and help me settle on the bed, and settle as comfortably as possible.

"Are you as comfy as you possibly can be?" Logan asks after I am settled onto the bed.

"Yeah, thank you, baby," I sigh because the current contraction has ended. "I love you very much, and our daughter."

"So we are still waiting to pick out her name until she is here?" Logan questions for clarification while he swipes the slightly sweaty fringe off my forehead.

"Yeah, I want to see her to choose her names," I murmur, laying my head back against the pillow with a sigh of relief. "This is okay with you still, right?"

He nods with a fond smile; "Of course this is, baby boy."

Just then there is a soft knock on the door before Ashton enters the room again with a large smile; "Are you ready to be hooked to the monitors?"

"Yeah," I sigh, and he comes over to connect me to two monitor bands around my belly, one to monitor my heart rate, and one to monitor the baby, along with a blood pressure cuff, and a pulse monitor.

"Your doctor will be here shortly to talk with you, and check your dialation, okay, Alexander?" Ashton says with a warm smile. "Do you need anything before I leave for a little while?"

"No, thank you, Ashton," I murmur with an exhausted smile, and he leaves the room with a bubbly step.

Twelve hours later at 4:47 p.m., our daughter was born, weighing in at eight pounds and three ounces, and is twenty-three inches long. She has a shocking amount of dirty blond hair, and she is perfect in my eyes, and from how Logan is looking at her while he holds her, he thinks the same way as I do about her.

"What do you want to name her, my love?" Logan murmurs while looking down at her.

"Can I hold her, and look at her before answering, please?" I gently request, and he nods as he gently hands her over to me carefully.

Studying her beautiful face with a soft, tired smile for a moment before looking over at Logan with blurry eyes, softly asking him; "Can we name her Riley Ann?"

"That sounds beautiful to me, Alex, and I love the name," he grins, reaching over to gently rub his finger over Riley's chubby cheek.

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