Chapter 14

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"When did you find out about the baby?" he asks with a soft smile.

"Earlier this morning, just before I texted you," I answer with a soft smile of my own. "Went to the hospital because I have been ill in the mornings, on and off for a few hours for the last few weeks. I found out at the hospital that my parents knew I have the ability to become pregnant, but Mary never took me to the doctors when I was with her, so that is why I did not know about this."

"Oh, love, I am so sorry you have been ill the last few weeks," he gently coos, bringing my hands up to his mouth, and gently kisses the top of both of my hands.

Blushing at his sweet action and words with a tiny shrug; "This is not your fault, my love. I am gonna make a doctor's appointment Monday for an appointment for the baby. Do you wanna come with me to the appointments?"

Logan eagerly nods; "Yes, please! I want to attend any baby appointments that I can."

Grinning at him with so much relief coursing through my body; "Thank you, Logan. I appreciate you and your willingness to be there for our baby and me."

We spend the rest of our lunch date talking about the baby, and when we are gonna tell everyone else. We decided to tell his family and Axel now, and then wait to tell the others once I am at least twelve weeks along.

"Joyce and Martian's parents are coming to the house for a visit tomorrow afternoon for dinner. Would you like to come, too?" I hopefully ask with a small pout and wide eyes. "Joyce and Martin said you are welcome to come."

"Really? I would love to come," he grins excitedly. "Are we telling them tomorrow, too?"

Biting my lower lip as I think before slowly nodding; "Yeah, we can tell them tomorrow. When are we gonna tell your parents?"

"How about we tell them this afternoon? You can come over once we are done here, and we can tell them?" he offers with a raised right eyebrow.

"O-okay, can I be honest that I am a little nervous on how they will react to our news," I murmur, feeling scared shitless.

"I can understand your worry, Alex, but I am sure they will not be pissed, or anything like that," he replies, and I slowly nod in acceptance of his answer as he knows his parents better than me.

Before we leave the parking lot of the cafe, I text Joyce and Martian in the family group text to let them know what I am doing with Logan.

'That is okay. Thanks for letting us know. Please be home by midnight,' Martian replies with Joyce liking Martian's reply.

'I will be, and thanks,' I reply with a smile at how calm and accepting they are about everything. I need to make sure I tell them this and soon.

"Alright, I have to be home by midnight," I tell Logan, and he grins in excitement at my curfew.

"Not a problem. I will make sure my babies arrive home safely," he solemnly promises with a bright smile.

Blushing at him as he drives us toward his home; "You know I love you very much, right?"

Logan's grin grows so much that I am positive his face is gonna split in two; "I know, baby. I love you, too, and the baby as well."

Smiling fondly over at him with a hum; "The baby loves you, too."

"Are you ready to tell my parents?" Logan softly asks once he has parked his vehicle in his driveway, and turns off the engine, and looks over at me.

"No, but we need to do this, so we should get this over with now instead of later," I mumble, staring back at him with nervous eyes.

"Everything will be alright, Alex, I promise you," he tries to assure me, but I will not be able to relax until I know his parents will not freak out over the baby, especially because I am only sixteen, and Logan is only eighteen.

I know Logan is right, but the unknown is a terrifying thing in life. 

"Come on, baby," Logan whispers, reaching over to gently squeeze my thigh in support.

We climb out of his vehicle, and shut the doors behind us, and meet at the front of the vehicle, and he holds his right hand out toward me. Eagerly taking his hand, I squeeze his hand lightly, and Logan squeezes back tighter, and I give him a small smile, and we head toward the front door of his home. Logan opens the door, and leads me inside the house, and I shut the door behind us before we toe off our shoes at the wall by the front door.

"Mom? Dad?" Logan calls out, and they answer from the living room, and we head there very slowly, and we find them sitting on the couch together watching a movie.

"Hey boys, how was your lunch date?" Mrs. Brown asks with a warm smile, and I hope she keeps that smile toward us once we drop the news of the baby.

"It was good, mom," Logan answers, pulling me over to the recliner next to the couch, and has me sit on his lap sideways. "Um, we have something we need to tell you. Alexander and I just found out this ourselves today. Um, we are gonna have a baby in just over seven months."

Oh. My. Gawd. He just went and ripped the bandaid off.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown stare at us with shocked expressions for several seconds but these seconds felt like hours before they speak.

"Are you serious? If this is a joke, it is not funny, Logan," Mrs. Brown replies with a serious expression.

"Mom, I am being serious," Logan softly replies, and she lets out the biggest scream I think I have ever heard in my sixteen years of life.

She launches herself off the couch to close the distance between us, and leans down to hug us tightly as she can. Mr. Brown takes a calmer approach as he gets off the couch to pull his sobbing wife off of us, and hugs both of us.

"What are your plans for the baby?" he quietly asks as if he is worried about our answer.

"We are gonna keep the baby, and raise the baby together," I murmur with a smile toward Logan who winks at me, and yes, my anxiety has gone down to almost nothing.

"We know this is not gonna be easy because we are young, and still in school, but we can do this together, and if we could have some help from our families?" Logan nervously asks.

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