Chapter 16

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Tears fall down my cheeks, and I cannot help the wet laugh that bubbles out of me while wiping away the tears with my shirt sleeves. When I hear Logan sniffle loudly, my eyes instantly snap to his, and I find him wiping away his own tears with his shirt sleeve, and a wet smile on his lips.

"We are having a baby girl, Logan!" I wetly laugh.

"That we are, baby," he murmurs, leaning forward slightly to softly kiss my lips, and I can feel his smile growing against my lips.

"Alright, once you are ready, we can talk for a few minutes when I return with your ultrasound pictures," Doctor Walsh says with a grin while she stands to grab the pictures from somewhere outside of the room we are currently in.

Taking the paper towels she is offering me, I wipe the gel off my belly. Pulling my shirt down, and my pants up, I sweetly ask Logan to help me sit up which he does. Throwing my arms around Logan's shoulders with a loud giggle. Logan gently wraps his left arm around my waist, and places his large right palm against my large belly where our baby kicks his palm.

Doctor Walsh returns, giving me the pictures, and we talk for a few minutes before Logan and I can head home.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Logan asks, kissing me softly with a grin. "I know our families are eager to know what we know now."

Eagerly nodding, Logan helps me down, and we head towards the exit of the building.

"We should probably think of some names for our sweet baby girl. What do you think, love?" I ask him as he drives us toward home.

"Yeah, that is a good idea considering we have three months until baby girl's arrival," he agrees with a quick smile toward me before focusing on the road again. "What names do you like, baby?"

"Um, I really like the names Justice, Riley, Oakley, and Quinn," I reply with a fond smile down at my belly while rubbing my palms over the skin, and earning a light kick from our baby. "DO you have any names you like?"

"The names you like are wonderful names, baby," he praises with a wider smile. "I like the names you have picked. I have a few I like, too. Um, I like Sawyer, Lyric, Winter, and Sage."

"Oh, those are pretty names," I praise as he pulls into the driveway, and parks next to Marcus' car.

"Ready to tell everyone about the baby's gender?" Logan asks before we climb from his vehicle, walk hand in hand toward the front door. Logan's parents are here, too because they know we were hoping to find out the gender at today's appointment.

"We are home!" I call out happily as we step inside the house.

"We are in the living room!" Joyce calls back, and we walk into that room, and we find our parents, Marcus, and Axel sitting around the room.

"So?" Marcus eagerly demands with raised eyebrows when we do not instantly tell them the gender of the baby.

"We are having a girl," I proudly state with a large grin while holding my belly with my hands.

The room erupts into loud cheers, and the six of them hug us tightly with words of congratulations. We sit around the room, and a topic is brought up that I have never thought about.

"Do you want a baby shower?" Joyce asks, and I remain silent for a moment as I think over his question.

Slowly nodding with a shy smile; "Sure, if this would not be a problem? If it is a problem, then do not worry about having a baby shower."

"Planning a baby shower for you both, and our grand baby will not ever be a problem," Joyce says, and Logan's mother agrees instantly.

"Then this is settled then," Joyce happily answers. "We will figure out a date before the baby is born, and we have the baby shower. We will of course include you in everything, Alexander."

"Thank you, I appreciated this, and everything else," I sniffle with pink tinted cheeks.

"Have you boys thought of any baby names?" Axel asks, and we nod in reply.

"We have eight names we like currently, and eventually we will narrow this list down to what we will name the baby," Logan states with a smile at our friend. "We like Justice, Riley, Oakley, Quinn, Sawyer, Lyric, Winter, and Sage."

"Oh, those are all very beautiful," Mrs. Brown coos, and everyone agrees.

Snuggling into Logan's side, he slides his right arm around my shoulders, pulling me tightly against his side with a smile down at me, and a soft kiss to my temple. Grinning up at him, I tilt my head back slightly to give him a quick kiss on the lips before settling the side of my face on his chest, and close my eyes because I am suddenly tired, and I listen to everyone talk.

Jolting my eyes open when my legs are taken off the floor, and lifted onto someone's lap. Axel grins over at me when we make eye contact, and I shift my upper body slightly to lie over Logan's lap comfortably, and snuggle down comfortably, and drift off to sleep while listening to everyone's voices.

Sometime later, Logan gently wakes me with soft kisses to my face. Giggling at the sensation, I stretch my arms over my head before lazily place my left palm against his neck to hold him in place as I give him a gentle kiss on the mouth.

"Did you have a nice nap, love?" he questions when we pull apart, and I open my eyes to stare up at him.

"Yeah, sorry for falling asleep though, I did not realize how tired I was," I murmur before looking around the room to realize that our parents are no longer in the room with us.

"They went out to dinner, and left us money on the counter to order dinner," Marcus says when he notices my gaze.

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