Chapter 9

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Several days have passed, and I have decided on an important decision that I thought I had already made a decision on earlier.

"Um, I, uh, I hope that it is okay that I have changed my mind on my name?" I nervously ask Joyce and Martian as the four of us sit around the table for dinner. "I thought over this more, and I do not want to be called by the name who took me. I would rather be called the name given to me by my parents who have always loved me, and never gave up hope that one day I would be home."

They, along with Marcus, stare at me with wide, unblinking eyes for several seconds before Martian and Joyce start lightly crying with Martian asking with a shocked voice; "Are you sure?"

Grinning at them with an eager nod; "I really am sure. So, how do we get this changed with the school, and whatever else?"

They wipe their faces dry with their fingers as Joyce replies; "We will go to the school first thing in the morning with the proper paperwork to have your name changed."

"Okay," I grin even wider at them, feeling relieved, and extremely happy with this choice.

"Okay, so are we calling you Alexander, Alex, or Xander?" Marcus asks with a wide grin, causing all of us to laugh.

"Um, either Alexander or Alex is fine," I shrug with another chuckle, not really caring as both are fine.

They nod in agreement, and they agree that they will call me either of these names. By the time dinner is finished and cleared, Marcus asks if I want to join him while he hangs out with Axel and Logan.

"Can I?" I eagerly ask Joyce and Martian, and they both agree to this request.

"Go get ready because we are leaving in fifteen," Marcus says with a smile, and he and I head to our rooms to get ready.

Marcus and I leave the house  in his car fifteen minutes later, and I cannot contain my excitement  while sitting in the front passenger seat while Marcus drives us wherever we are going.

"Thanks for inviting me along, Marcus," I happily chirp, fidgeting in my seat. "Where are we going, by the way?"

"You are very welcome, Alex," he answers with his own smile. "We are meeting the guys at the bowling alley for a game or two. Then after that, we will figure out what we are gonna do."

"Cool, that sounds fun," I say, absolutely excited to spend time with the three of them.

Marcus hums in agreement as he pulls into the bowling alley parking lot, and parking next to Logan's vehicle. We climb out, and head inside to find the guys.

"Addi! Marcus!" Axel and Logan call out with waves of their hands, and smiles as the four of us walk toward each other.

Shyly hugging them both tightly, while mumbling to both; "I am going by my real name now, so please call me Alex or Alexander."

They stare at me in surprise before nodding in agreement as we head inside to pay for a round of bowling along with shoes at the desk. Standing in front of the lane computer to place our names into the computer. I place Axel, Marcus, Logan names, and then myself in bowling order. I am startled when Logan wraps his muscular arms around my stomach, and he kisses my neck lightly.

"Hi Alexander, I have missed you," he murmurs into my left ear softly, causing my whole body to shiver.

Biting my lower lip to suppress the moan that I have bubbled up my throat, and all I can do is nod in agreement. Logan tightens his hold slightly on me with another gentle kiss to my neck.

I softly reply; "I have missed you, too, Logan. Can we fuck soon, please because I miss having you inside me."

"Mmhh, that sounds like an amazing idea, and yes, very soon," he murmurs into my ear before he gently nips the skin.

"Hey you two, start dating already, will you?" Axel calls over to us, and my face instantly burns, and Logan laughs.

"Sounds like a great idea, Axel!" Logan says, and then focuses on my face because I Have turned around to face him with his arms still wrapped around me. "Alexander, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" I loudly giggle with an eager nod of my head as I hug him tightly which he returns.

Logan digs his head down slightly to connect our lips together for a heated kiss that lasts for several seconds.

"You guys are cute together, but you make me wanna puke," Marcus teases us as we pull apart with huge grins at each other.

"Awe, do you want a kiss, too, Marcus?" Logan teases him back, making kissing noises toward my brother, making me lightly pout at him.

"You may not make kissing noises toward my brother," I mumble, my pout deepening. "That is weird and gross."

"I was just teasing, love. I am sorry," Logan instantly apologizes.

"I know, but not with him, please?" I murmur, and Logan agrees. "I am sorry, I should not be jealous of the friendship you and Marcus have, so please just ignore me."

I instantly feel guilty at my jealousy with the friendship that Logan and Marcus have, and I know I should not be jealous. I feel like a shit of a person for this, and tears pool in my eyes as I stare at him with a guilty expression.

"I am sorry, I should not be jealous," I murmur as several tears slip from my eyes, and Logan tightens his hold on me with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Hey, you are alright, and I am not mad," he assures. "I should not have done this with Marcus because it was rude to you and Marcus, especially when I just asked you to be my boyfriend. So, I am sorry for this."

Tucking my head under his chin on his chest with a sniffle, and he tells me that we are alright, and that everything is fine between us.

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