Chapter 5

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By 2 p.m. Tuesday, school is done for the day, and I am riding to the Sawyer home with Marcus, Axel and Logan. Dr. Smith will be at the house by 2:15 p.m. to give us the test results, and I am a bundle of raw nerves. Hell, I think Marcus and I have been bundles of raw nerves all fucking day. Marcus is driving, Axel is in the front passenger seat, and Logan and I are in the back, and I cannot stop bouncing my left leg.

"Addison, no matter what happens, you can handle the answer, okay?" Logan quietly says, placing his hand on my knee with a gentle squeeze.

Harshly biting my lower lip, I blush at his words that come out of my mouth; "I need a good fucking to take the edge off."

Axel and Logan chuckle while Marcus frowns at me through the rearview mirror.

Logan leans over, his on my ear causing me to shiver from his proximity, his warm breath, and his words; "If you need a good fucking, I volunteer to fuck you. You squeezed me so tightly, and your moans were pretty."

I am 100% sure my eyes are blown from lust, and I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. Turning my face slightly toward him, eagerly nodding. I know if I speak right now, I will let out a shameful moan.

Logan places his mouth to my ear again; "After we are done at the Sawyer's, we can go to mine if you want."

"Okay," I whisper, grinning at him, feeling a little calmer.

My anxiety spikes again when Marcus pulls into his driveway, parking in the driveway, and turning off the engine.

"Will everything be okay, no matter what happens?" I softly ask all of them, but mostly Marcus as I hold eye contact with him through the rearview mirror.

"Everything will be okay, no matter what happens," Marcus assures, his voice thick with emotion. "Let's go inside."

We exit the car, and head for the front door, and as we walk inside, I clutch Logan's right hand tightly. When we enter the kitchen, the Sawyer's and Dr. Smith are sitting at the table, and drinking coffee.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! The moment of truth is closer than I expected.

"Hi, boys," Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer warmly greets, but you can hear the nervousness in their voices. "Come sit down, please."

The four of us sit down across from the three adults, and my grip on Logan's hand tightens in fear. Dr. Smith opens the file sitting in front of him on the table, and reads the results silently before looking at all of us with a neutral expression.

"Okay, so the results state that you, Addison, are indeed their kidnapped son," Dr. Smith calmly states. "The results show that you are 99.9% related to Marcus, Joyce, and Martian Sawyer."

Relief floods my body causing me to relax for a minute before anger floods my body. Relief from knowing the truth, but anger that I was kidnapped, living a lie, and Sawyer's pain and stress.

"Now what happens?" I whisper, afraid to break the silence.

"Now, we use this information to bring you home where you belong," Mr. Sawyer replies, sounding determined.

He then excuses himself from the room, making me wonder what he is doing. I do not have long to ponder this because Mrs. Sawyer is staring at me while sobbing. Feeling slightly unsure what to do, I throw caution to the wind, and stand from the chair, walking around the table to her. She is out of her seat as I approach, and wraps her arms around me before I can blink. Wrapping my arms around her waist to softly hug her back. Her face is tucked into my neck where she harshly sobs, and tears fill my eyes.

"We have missed you so much!" she sobs, her shoulders violently shaking, and that is when my tears fall.

Making eye contact with Marcus over Mrs.. Sawyer's right shoulder, he has a steady stream of tears rolling down his cheeks, and his right hand clasped over his mouth to muffle any noises. Holding my left hand out toward him, he launches himself into his mom's back, and his hands tightly grasp the material of my shirt above my hips.

Tucking my face into Mrs. Sawyer's right shoulder, and I cannot help but wonder what will happen now? What will happen to the woman who kidnapped and raised me? When will I move into the Sawyer's home? How weird and hard will this transition be? What will I be expected to call them, and will they expect me to call them mom and dad right away? Mr. Sawyer retruns to the room, and he joins our group hug by hugging us from behind me.
"Detectives Warren and Bishop will be here in about thirty minutes," he quietly states after a couple of minutes.

"Why?" I whisper in confusion.

"We have a standing court order from a judge for if you were found," he replies as the four of us pull away from each other, and sit back at the table. "That when you were found, the blood and DNA test result papers are to be given to two Detectives who will have an order of arrest from the judge. Then they will use these papers to arrest the woman who kidnapped you."
"What will happen to granddad? He cannot be alone until he has healed," I anxiously ask, not wanting him to be harmed in any way.

"We can hire a temporary In-Home Health Aid for him, so he will not be alone, and be cared for," Mrs. Sawyer replies with Mr. Sawyer nodding in agreement.

"Thank you, I appreciate this," I sigh, feeling instantly relieved.

"Did he know she kidnapped you?" Axel gently asks.

Shaking my head with a shrug of my shoulders; "No idea. Hell, I would have never thought the woman raising me as her child would do what she did, so I have no idea."

Axel nods in understanding, and we talk about random topics until the two Detectives arrive. They take the papers from Dr. Smith, promising to return these once this is all over and done.

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