Chapter 20

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The next morning at ten, my family, Logan's family, and Axel arrive to visit us and the baby. Axel is the first to arrive, and he arrives with a happy grin, and a white and pink bunny stuffie for Riley. Then our parents, Marcus, and our grandparents arrive with gifts, too, of either blankies or stuffies.

"May I hold her?" Axel gently requests after giving Logan and me each a hug.

"Of course you can, Axel," I reply with a warm smile, transferring Riley from my arms to his.

He fondly smiles down at her as he gently sways them side to side, and softly says; "Hello, sweet girl. I am your uncle Axel, and with all the people who love you, you will be so very loved and protected from everything bad in this world."

"Her name is Riley Ann," Logan says with a proud smile toward our daughter and our friend.

Axel nods, keeping his eyes locked onto Riley's face, murmuring with a growing smile; "That is a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady."

A few minutes later when Marcus has Riley, and he is standing next to Axel, Logan nods for me to ask Marcus and Axel our important question.

"Marcus? Axel?" I gently call over to them, and when both men look at me with a hum, I continue. "Logan and I are wondering if you and Axel would like to be Riley's Godfather's? He and I discussed this in great deal, and we would really love it if both of you are her role models in ways more than as her uncles. You can obviously say no."

Marcus and Axel instantly smile at each other before they turn their bright smiles onto Logan and me, and both eagerly nod.
"Yes, thank you!" Axel and Marcus almost shout, but do not because they do not want to startle or wake Riley, which is precious to them in my opinion.

An hour after everyone arrives, they head out, so we can rest and spend more time with our baby.

"Baby, will you take a nap, please?" Logan softly requests with a warm smile. "I will take care of Riley if she wakes."

"Are you sure, baby?" I mumble tiredly as I fight to keep my eyes open.

He nods with a warm smile as he leans over to give me a gentle kiss on the lips, mumbling; "I am sure, baby. Please take a well deserved nap."

"Okay, thank you, my love," I murmur with a yawn as I roll carefully onto my left side with my palm under my face as my eyes slip closed, and I almost instantly drift off into a deep sleep.

Sometime later, I am started awake by loud cries coming from Riley, and Logan quietly and calmly trying to calm her down. Blinking my eyes open, I find Logan gently rocking Riley from side to side, but does not seem to be having any luck with this.

"Babe, I can take her if you want, so I can feed her," I groggily say, carefully sliding myself up into a seated position.

"Okay," he murmurs, bringing Riley over to me, and carefully transferring her to me, so I can feed her once I have the left flap of the hospital gown down over the left side of my chest.

Riley latches on after a few seconds, and eagerly starts eating, and I smile down at her while she does this. Glancing up at Logan with a teary smile to find him taking pictures of us with a fond smile toward us.

"She is so precious," I murmur to him with a sniffle, and a watery smile.

"She is extremely precious," he agrees, looking at me with his own watery smile as he puts his phone in his back pocket.

"I am glad we have her together," I murmur when Riley finishes eating, and I move her onto my shoulder to burp her.

"Me too, baby," he whispers, wiping the spit up off Riley's mouth with a fond smile.

"Will you sit next to us, please?" I softly request as I pat Riley's back, earning a burp.

Logan nods, squeezing himself onto the bed after I moved over a little to make room for him. Placing my head on his shoulder after he has wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and he kisses the top of my head softly.

"One of my best days for sure," I murmur, looking at him, and then back at our daughter. "Today is right up there with learning about and moving in with my real family, becoming friends with you and Axel, and dating you."

"I agree with all of those, baby," he whispers, squeezing my shoulder before shifting slightly, and then settling again. "Can I add another good memory for today?"

When I nod, he shocks me by asking; "I had a different idea for asking you this question, but I decided now is the perfect time to ask you this important question. Alexander James, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Tears fill my eyes as I gasp, letting out a soft sob; "Yes, I will marry you, Logan!"

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