Chapter 4

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The last few days have been weird for me while at home because I am afraid mom was the woman who kidnapped the Sawyer's son, and that I am that child. If this is true, then most of the life I remember is a lie. I will not know how to feel about this, and how to deal with this if it is true. The test results should be back sometime tomorrow.

"Addison, are you alright? You have been acting weird the last few days," granddad asks as he and I are having breakfast together before I head off to my first day of school.

"Yeah, I am fine," I assure with a fake smile. "I am just nervous about the first day of school at a new place."

Granddad looks intently at me for a second before saying; "I understand, son, but I know you will do just fine like always."

Silently nodding at him, and I cannot help but wonder if he knows, or if he is totally innocent if I am truly Alexander Sawyer. I hope he does not know, but I cannot be sure. Finishing our breakfast, I take our dirty dishes to the dishwasher, loading the dishes into the machine before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Coming back downstairs with my black backpack because Axel will be here any minute now to pick me up for school, so mom does not have to bring me, and so I do not have to ride the bus. My phone dings from my left back pocket of my black, ripped skinny jeans, and when I pull the phone from my pocket, I find a text from Axel saying that he is here.

"Bye, granddad, my ride is here," I say, walking over to him to kiss him on the top of his head with a soft smile. "Love you."

"Bye, Addison, and I love you, too," granddad replies with a gentle pat on my back, and a smile. "Hope you have a good day."

"I will, hopefully, and you and mom, too," I reply, moving toward the front door before calling out to mom. "Bye, mom, love you!"

"Bye, Addi, and love you, too!" she calls back from her room where she was getting dressed for the day.

Leaving the house, shutting the door behind me before running down the driveway to Axel's truck, and climbing inside with a thankful smile.

"Hey man!" I chirp, buckling myself in as he starts to drive toward the school.

"Hey dude! How are you doing?" Axel greets with a warm smile. "Ready for the place we call 'Hell'?"

Giggling at his last question; "Nope, never ready for 'Hell.' I am doing okay, I guess. Not sure how I feel about this, and if I am the Sawyer's missing kid. I do not know how I should feel, think, and act."

Axel shakes his head sadly as he turns left onto another paved street; "I do not envy you in this situation, it would be cool if you are Marcus' little brother. This is shitty though at the same time that you were kidnapped."

Humming at him, I chew on my lower lip; "I want to know already, but I know if it is true, this whole thing is not over with, and will be a whole long process."

"Yeah, but at least you will know either way, and will not have to wonder any longer," he replies, and I hum in agreement.

"Alright, here we are, let's get this shit-show started, shall we?" Axel questions, sounding like he is not ready either. "You got your class schedule, right?"

"Yup, got it," I say, pulling the sheet of paper from my bag, and wiggling my hand slightly.

"Alright, let's go," he sighs,and we climb from his truck, and head to the front doors of the building.

"Ugh, I hate being here," Axel grumbles as we sit at a 2-person table in the back of our first hour class - Chemistry.

Humming as I take out a blue folder, matching spiral notebook, and a black ink pen from from bag, I am little excited for this class. I want to become a Mortician, so I need this class now, and in college, but I have not told anyone what I want to attend college for. I seriously think people will judge me for this career choice. I want to one day own my own funeral home. I need a three year course in Mortuary Science, to pass the National Arts, Science Examinations, and State Board exams.

Throughout the class period, Axel keeps glancing at me curiously, and as we leave the classroom, he finally asks; "Do you like this class or something?"

Blushing darkly as we head to our second class which is Statistics, a math class; "Yeah. I need that class for the college degree I want. I also need this class when I am in college, too."

Axel's jaw drops open in shock, and I giggle at him; "Okay, you are gonna be the first person I tell this to, but you can not laugh at me. I want to become a Mortician, and own my own Funeral Home one day."

"That is freaking awesome, dude!" Axel praises, and my blush darkens as a few people turn to look at us as we walk into the classroom.

"Really? You do not think I am strange for wanting to do this?" I tentatively ask, chewing on my lower lip as we sit in the back room of this classroom, too.

"Really. I do not think you are weird for this career choice," he promises with a reassuring smile. "I want to be a Sports Physical Therapist."

"Thanks, and your's sounds awesome," I murmur as the teacher starts class by taking roll.

"Finally my favorite class of the day, lunch," I sigh as Axel, Logan, Marcus and I enter the cafe.

They chuckle at me with nods of agreement as we move through the food line. The three of them grab loaded burgers, fries, and sodas while I grab a slice of pepperoni pizza, and a soda.

"Are you sure that is all you are gonna eat?" Marcus worriedly asks as we sit at a table with Abby, Korey, and Kacey.

"Yeah, my stomach is in knots, so I am not very hungry," I weakly smile at him, glad he is worried about me; he nods, and I think he gets the feeling I have, like he is feeling this, too.

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