Chapter 7

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Halfway through the movie, I realize I do not need to have sex to relieve my stress that I was feeling earlier. Leaning my head against Logan's chest after finishing my food, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders to pull me tighter against his side. Not much after snuggling into his side, I fell asleep because Logan was rubbing his fingers through the back of my hair, and lightly scratching my scalp. He is also comfy, and he makes me feel safe.

"Addi, wake up," Logan murmurs into my ear while he gently scratches my scalp again.

"No, too comfy," I whine softly, shifting against him, and burying my face into his chest.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" he softly offers, making me softly smile as I shake my head 'no'.

"No, thanks though," I mumble through a yawn as I sit upright to stretch my arms over my head as I blink my eyes open lazily.

Standing on my feet with a lazy smile toward Logan and Axel; "May I hug you both?"

Axel and Logan nod in agreement, and I tightly hug Axel first and then Logan, and thanking them both for everything they have done for me, Marcus, and the Sawyer's.

After they leave, I look over at my family nervously saying; "Um, good night."

"Night, little brother," Marcus grins. "May I give you a hug?"

Eagerly nodding, I step into his arms, and we tightly hug, and I sniffle into his neck; "Night, big brother."

Stepping back from each other, I wipe away the tears from my cheeks as we softly chuckle at each other.

"Good night, boys," Joyce and Martian say before Joyce gently requests a hug, but assures only if I am comfortable with giving her one.

Tentatively stepping toward her to give her a hug, and she sniffles into my left shoulder. I decide to give Martian a quick hug because I am not completely comfortable with him yet, and I hope he does not take any offense to this. The four of us make our way to our rooms, and I look around my new room, feeling very sad and overwhelmed. Finding my box with my jammies, and changing my clothes, and crawling under the covers after turning off the light.

Staring at the blue painted wall, I let the thoughts pour from my eyes as I sob into my pillow. I try to stay quiet, so I do not bother anyone else in the house. When the bed dips behind me slightly, I know it is Marcus, I roll over to face him, and bury my face into his chest. Sobbing into him as he tightly hugs me to him, and he does not say anything, and just hugs me tightly until I fall asleep. The next morning when I wake up, I know my eyes are swollen, red and puffy. I realize after several seconds that I am snuggled up against Marcus.

"Morning, Addi," Marcus sleepily greets with a raspy, sleepy voice. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Morning, Marcus," I mumble back with a yawn. "I slept okay, thanks to you. I hope you slept okay, and I am sorry for disturbing you last night, and because you slept in here last night."

"Hey, no worries, man, you are my baby brother," he says softly. "I cannot even imagine how scary it is to sleep in a new place. Yeah, you lived in this room for two years, but you do not remember the room. I used to sleep in here for a few nights before you were kidnapped, and before I got sick."

"I am glad you are my brother," I sniffle, tilting my head back to look him in the eyes, so he knows I am being serious.

Marcus grins down at me when the door opens with our parents standing in the doorway with huge grins on their faces.

"You boys are so freaking adorable!" Joyce squeals, almost like a teenager, clasping her hands together over her mouth with wide eyes as she stares at us.

Marcus softly groans at her, causing me to loudly laugh at their interactions. Laughing makes me realize I need to wee badly. Scrambling over Marcus' body, I rush off to the bathroom to relieve my bursting bladder, flush the toilet, and wash my hands before returning to my bedroom.

"Boys, come downstairs for breakfast," Martian states with a smile as he and Joyce leave the bedroom.

Shyly smiling at them as they leave the room, and then look over at Marcus as he climbs off the bed. He grins over at me as he walks toward the door for his room or the bathroom.

"Come on, Addi, let's go eat," he says with a wide grin, and I silently nod as we leave the room for the kitchen to have breakky with our parents.

When we are settled at the table, I ask; "Um, I think I would like to be called Addison Alexander-James. I hope this does not offend you? Also, can I call granddad to check on him, please?"

"Yes, you can call Royce after breakfast," Joyce replies with a gentle smile. "That is fine about your name, and we can go to the courthouse next week to legally change your name. Then when your new birth certificate and social security card arrive in the mail, we can sign you up for driver's training."

"Really? I can get my license?" I excitedly ask with wide eyes at her and Martian, and both nod in agreement. "Thank you so much!"

After breakky and everything is cleaned, I use my cell to call granddad. We talk for thirty minutes, and when the call ends, I cry for the next ten minutes. While I cried, Marcus hugged me tightly, and I could never explain to him how much I appreciated this gesture. I never knew having a sibling would be this amazing, and I know things probably would probably be different if he and I had grown up together.

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