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"Riley, we need to leave!" I say to my excited 5-year-old daughter with a matching excited smile as I grab her backpack and mine from the hooks by the wall at the door.

"I ready mummy! Keep your socks on," she huffs, bouncing into the kitchen toward me and the front door.

Raising my eyebrows at her in mock seriousness; "You my dear daughter have my sassiness. Come on before we are late, and daddy thinks I am not gonna marry him."

"Let's go then, slow poke!" she giggles, slipping on her white colored sandals to match her lavender colored, flower girl dress.

Shifting my hold on our 2-year-old son, Sawyer James, and he is dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a lavender colored long sleeve, button-up shirt, and a black vest as he is our ring bearer. Opening the front door, I let Riley out in front of me, pulling the door shut to lock it before we made our way to my red mini van. Yes, I drive a minivan, do not judge me for this.

Settling my children into their car seats, then settling myself into the driver's seat, and drive us to the park where Logan and I are having our wedding ceremony and reception. The drive takes us twenty minutes, and my nerves are starting to kick into overdrive the closer I come to the park.

"Alright, my lovelies, let's go find uncle Marcus, nan and grandpa," I nervously say, turning off the engine.

Helping the kids from their car seats and the van, and I carry Sawyer on my left hip, and hold Riley's left hand in my right as we walk toward the seats in front of the pavilion where we are getting married.

"Unca Marc!" Sawyer hollers when he notices my brother in a group of people near the chairs.

Everyone in the group turns toward us with bright smiles as Marcus and Axle break away from the group to meet us.

"Hello, my lovelies," Marcus coos to his niece and nephew as he picks Riley up at her request, and Axel takes Sawyer from me.

"Where papa?" Riley asks Marcus while playing with the lavender tie that is around his neck.

"Papa is finished getting ready, he has to fix his hair again," Marcus answers with an eye roll.

Giggling at this as my stomach rolls, and I inhaled slowly and deeply, trying to not vomit everywhere. This pregnancy is kicking my ass, and I think this will be our last baby because of this. I am five months along in this pregnancy, and I am still dealing with all day nausea.

"Sawyer and I are gonna let everyone know that you three are here, and we can get this party started," Axel states with a smile toward us and Sawyer.

"Thanks, Axel," I grin as the nausea settles slightly as Axel and Sawyer walk away.

"Absolutely, but I am also nervous," I reply with a small smile.

"Understandable, but you should not be nervous," he says. "You are marrying Logan within the hour."

"I know, but I am nervous something is going to go wrong," I mumble, rubbing my belly in hopes to settle my rolling baby, so I do not vomit everywhere.

"Marcus, Alexander, and Riley," mom calls from my right, and we look toward her in question. "It is time to get in our places."

We nod and make our way over to her, and she kisses my right cheek asking if I am ready, and I tell her I am. She takes Riley from Marcus to give her a cuddle and kiss on the cheek in greeting. The four of us make our way over to where everyone participating in the wedding is starting from.

"Mummy, I throw flowers now?" Riley asks with a bright smile as she jumps in place.

"Yes  baby, you are gonna throw flower petals in a minute," I assure with a cherry smile as mom hands her the little lavender colored wicker basket with lavender and black petals.

"Alright everyone, we are ready to start," Mrs. Brown says, catching everyone's attention.

The guests sit in their seats, and Marcus and Axel have shown our grandparents their seats up front. Marcus and Axel line up with Logan's dad and cousin Ryan to walk down the aisle together, then Sawyer and Riley together, and then my parents and me. Yes, I am having both of my parents walking me down the aisle instead of just my dad. Mom has a lavender colored on with spaghetti straps, and dad is dressed like the rest of us guys. Taking a deep breath, looping my arms through my parents elbows, and we wait for our cue to walk.

"Riley, and Sawyer, it is your turn now to walk," I gently tell my children with a smile. "Walk toward daddy, and you can stand by him and grandpa, or uncle Marcus and uncle Axel."

"Okay mummy," Riley says for her and her little brother while taking his brother's hand, and they start walking.

We follow behind them a moment later, and I keep my eyes down casted onto the ground until we are halfway down the aisle, and that is when I bring my gaze up to meet Logan's watery eyes and smile with my own. The ceremony goes off without a hitch thankfully. Once the officiant declares us husbands, and that we could kiss, Logan and I grin widely at each other, and my new hubby pulls me into his arms, so we can kiss each other deeply.

Everyone around us claps and cheers, and when we pull apart, grinning like crazy, Riley and Sawyer run into our legs with their arms tightly around our legs. Logan picks up Riley and Sawyer when he notices me moving to pick up Sawyer. Slipping my hand onto the inner bend of his elbow for us to walk down the aisle together.

We sign the marriage license with our two witnesses and Officiant while everyone else wanders over to the picnic area for the reception. Marcus and Mr. Brown are our witnesses. When we finish this, we have pictures down with everyone present.

"Everyone please welcome the new couple, Mr. and Mr. Brown," Axel loudly introduces us when we walk toward the picnic tables with our children. "And their lovely children, Riley, Sawyer, and future baby."

Everyone claps and a few let out whistles as we approach them. Logan and I smile as do our children, and I blush deeply all of the attention is on us again. I could ignore the attention on us while we were married, and I could focus on Logan during the ceremony. Dinner is amazing, we are having a variety of food trucks for food instead of food. Instead of doing a traditional cake, we have a food truck that solely does desserts.

For our first dance, Logan and I chose the song 'Rebel Love Song' by the Black Veil Brides. Untraditional? Yes. Do we care? Nope.

"How are you feeling? Have you been on your feet too long?" Logan murmurs, worry in his beautiful blue eyes.

Softly smiling at him; "The baby and I are fine, I promise. No, I have not been on my feet too long. Thank you for your concern, my amazing hubby."

Leaning my head up as we continue to dance to our song to kiss my amazing man. Logan deepens the kiss while smiling against my lips while gently squeezing my hips.

"Papa! Mummy!" Riley and Sawyer holler as our song ends, and they run over to us.

We have picked out songs to dance to with our children, our parents, and grandparents. The kids know that it is their turn to dance with us. We picked out the song 'Don't Take The Girl' by Tim McGraw.

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