Chapter 13

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On the way home, I text Logan; 'Hey babe. Can you come by the house today? Please? Say eleven, and could we possibly go out for lunch? My treat?'

Hitting send, I nervously wait for Logan's reply which comes a couple of minutes after I sent mine; 'Of course I can. I will be there at eleven, and we can go for lunch for sure. My treat though.'

"Can we stop at the store real quick, please?" I ask Joyce and Martian. "I wanna get something to tell Logan about the baby, can we?"

Joyce turns in the front passenger seat slightly to look at me with a small smile; "We sure can, Alexander. Do you have an idea in mind already?"

Shaking my head; "No, I figured when I see something that strikes my fancy, then I will pick that up. Also, do you mind if Logan comes over, and I can take him out to lunch to tell him about the baby?"

"That is fine, son," Martian replies, looking at me briefly through the rear view mirror.

"Thank you," I reply with a small smile of appreciation.

They nod in response, and Martian stops at Walmart, and the four of us wander the store. Martin and Joyce wander off together to a different area, and Marcus comes with me.

"Let's check out the baby section," I suggest to my brother, and he agrees.

Wandering the newborn clothing, I find a plain white onesie, and decide that I am going to write on the onesie. Not sure what I am gonna write yet, but I can google ideas before Logan arrives later this morning. I also pick up a gift box, and green tissue paper to place in the box. I also grab a three pack of zero to three month pacifiers. We met up with our parents at the checkout, and they pay for what I had gotten, despite my protests that I could use the bank card with money that they deposit every month.

When we arrive home, I vomit again before deciding to place together the gift for Logan, and then shower before his arrival. I also had a small breakfast, too, before showering. I dress in a pair of black leggings, black ankle socks, and black faux Ugg boots, and a burgundy long sleeve shirt that is too big for me, so I have paws. Double checking the filled gift box, I head to the kitchen with the box in hand, and place this on the counter.

"Logan just pulled into the driveway," Marcus says from the living room, and my anxiety instantly spikes because I am terrified he is gonna be pissed and leave.

Logan knocks on the front door, and Marcus lets him inside, and they talk for a few minutes which I am thankful for because I use this time to try and calm down. When he enters the kitchen, he instantly smiles at me, and I give him a weak smile in return, making his falter slightly.

"Are you alright, Alexander?" he worriedly asks, pulling me into his warm body.

Snuggling deeply into his body instantly with a sigh; "I am okay, but this truly depends on how you take what I have to tell you. Let's go out to eat, so I can give you a gift that will speak for me."

"Okay, love," he murmurs into my hair as he rubs my back gently. "I am sure I will love and accept whatever you have to tell me."

"Okay," I whisper, inhaling his calming scent, and stepping back from him. "Will you drive us to the cafe, please?"

"You know I will, baby," he agrees with a soft kiss to my forehead.

I grab the box off the counter, and Logan raises an eyebrow at me, but I do not reply, and I take his right hand in my left. We leave the house after saying goodbye to the others. When we arrive at the cafe, we are seated at a two-person table, and given menus once we are seated. We order when a server arrives, and once they have left, I nervously hand Logan the box with a shaky hand.

"Open the box now, please?" I softly request with a shaky smile, and he takes the box with a nod, and a wondering smile. He places the box on top of the table in front of him, and lifts the lid to peer inside at the contents.

"Baby, are you trying to tell me that you are pregnant with my baby?" he shakily asks in a soft voice, staring intently at the items in the box.

"Yes, I am," I murmur nervously, unable to read his expression. "Are you mad at me? Are you leaving us?"

My two questions snap him from his stupor, and he stares at me with wide eyes; "What? Why would you think I would be mad, or that I would leave you and the baby?"

Shrugging my shoulders at him while biting my lower lip for several seconds before saying; "Because we did not plan this, and we are young. That you would not want to raise our baby with me."

"Baby, listen to me, please?" Logan quietly requests, and continues when I nod once. "I cannot be mad about the baby we created together in love. Besides, creating this baby took both of us to create the baby. Am I surprised? Yes, but I am not mad, and no I am not ever leaving unless you want me, too. I am not leaving you nor this baby, and we are raising him or her together."

"You promise you are not leaving us?" I sniffle on a soft whimper, and quickly blinking away the forming tears.

Logan reaches across the table with both of his hands to grasp mine while looking me right in the eyes, seriously stating; "I promise I am not leaving. We are in this together, okay?"

"Okay," I sniffle as a single tear slips down my right cheek, and he lightly squeezes my hands which I return before he lets go of my hand to wipe the tear away.

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