Chapter 17

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"Hey baby?" Logan asks, stepping into the house after school while I am sitting at the kitchen table, finishing my school work.

"Yeah," I call out as I submitted an assignment for today.

"Can I have a hug, please?" Logan requests in a sad voice, stepping into the kitchen with a tired expression, and his backpack straps on his shoulders.

"Come here, my love," I instantly reply with a soft voice, standing up from my chair with my arms open wide.

He drops his bag from his shoulders, and he rushes over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly, but not too tight that this hurts our baby. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and Logan tucks his face into my neck where he gently kisses.

"I just missed you and our daughter is all," he sniffles. "Today has just been really long."

Rubbing his back softly with my left palm while kissing his clothed shoulder, murmuring there; "I am so sorry, my love. What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Just let me hold you and our baby for a little while longer, please?" he requests softly, and steps a little closer, but not much because of my belly being in his way.

"How about we sit on the couch?" I softly suggest, and he nods against me in silent agreement.

We move into the living room, and Logan sits on the couch, and once he is comfortable, I sit down on his lap sideways. Wrapping my right arm around his shoulders with a gentle kiss to his forehead, and he places his palm on my belly where he gently rubs. The baby instantly kicks Logan's palm, earning a small smile and chuckle from her daddy.

"Are you gonna be daddy or do you want to be called something else by our daughter?" I murmur while resting my hand over his on my belly.

"Can she call me daddy?" he murmurs, looking at me with hop filled eyes.

Nodding with a warm smile toward my sweet boyfriend, and daddy of our little girl; "Of course, babe. I am not sure if I want her to call me papa or mama. What are your thoughts on this?"

He looks thoughtful for several before saying; "Baby boy, I cannot make that choice for you. To me, either is fine. You can try calling yourself both, and see which one you feel more comfortable with our baby calling you. How does that sound?"

Leaning my face down slightly with a tiny nod before pecking him on the lips. Pulling back, I find Logan warmly smiling at me. The front door opens with Marcus, Joyce and Martian walking through, and Marcus shuts the door behind them.

"Hey," Marcus greets us as he dumps his backpack onto the floor in between the couch and the recliner with a groan, and he plops down onto the recliner with a long sigh, and lays his head back against the chair.

"Long day for you, too?" I gently ask my brother with a frown.

"Yup," he sighs again, popping the 'p' while lulling his head to the side to look at Logan and me. "Dude, I am just fucking glad it is Friday."

Martian pops into the room just then with a slight scowl on his face; "You better not swear like that when your niece is physically here. Hi boys."

Giggling at him, and the playful eye roll Marcus gives our dad.

"Alex, have you finished your school work?" Maritan questions as he focuses on me.

"Almost done, dad," I reply, moving to climb off Logan's lap to finish the one question I have left for math before submitting that assignment.

"Did you just call me 'dad'?" Martian questions in a soft, shocked voice, and wide eyes.

Stopping in front of him with my own surprised expression with a quick nod; "Yeah, I did. I did not realize I did that, and I hope calling you dad is okay?"

Martian grins broadly at me with an eager nod; "Absolutely not a problem. I am definitely fine with you calling me dad or Martian."

I know he is trying not to let his eagerness show, but is failing miserably, and I find it cute that my dad is excited over a simple word. I will let him have his excitement though without comment.

"Can I have a hug, dad?" I sweetly ask, and when he nods, opening his arms, I quickly step as far as I can into his embrace.

"I love you so much, Alexander," he whispers into my shoulder, and I can feel him grinning, too.

"I love you, too, daddy," I mumble into his shoulder with a sniffle.

When a flash of light hits my closed eyes, I open my eyes to find Joyce taking a picture of Martian and I with her cell phone camera. She grins at me when she realizes I am looking at her.

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