xPART 5x

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Over the next ten days, Harry spent all of his free time with his snake, talking to it, reading to it from books (written in braille) from his school supplies, and simply stroking its scales. At night, the snake slept under the covers, pressed against Harry’s warm back. It was the night before the first of September when Harry’s snake had gathered enough energy and magic to make a mental connection with Harry for the first time.

Snake: You haven’t given me a name yet, Master.

Harry gasped in shock at this unfamiliar voice. He hadn’t heard them come in, and why were they calling him “Master” and talking about Harry giving them a name? Harry stammered a response through his shock.

Harry: W-who are you? Where did you come from?

Snake: Can you not see me, Master? Do you not remember me? I am your new pet, the snake. I finally had enough energy to make a mental link between us. You still haven’t given me a name, though.

Harry: My s-snake? The one from the P-pet store?

Snake: Yes, Mater. What is it you will name me?

Harry finally managed to escape from his shock. Now, he was curious and had questions. Harry knelt on the floor, looking toward where he could see a faint orange aura.

Harry: But don’t you already have a name? What did your previous master call you?

Snake: I have had six masters in the last six years. None of them gave me a name and none of them kept me for longer than a single year. Besides, it's not like they could have asked me what my mother had named me, not that they would have anyway.

Harry: Then what IS your name? The one your mother gave you?

Snake: My mother named me Castor, and my twin brother, Pollux.

Harry: Oh, like from the constellation Gemini! I like that constellation. May I call you by your birth name?

Castor: I-I’d like that a lot. Thank you, Master.

Harry: Oh, you can just call me Harry. No need for the “Master” part. I may have bought you but you are still your own individual.

Castor: Thank you, Harry.

Harry: You're welcome. Now that that’s covered, I have to go to bed. We get on the train for Hogwarts tomorrow and I want to be awake to see it all. Castor, could you remind me to place that stack of books in my trunk in the morning?

Castor: Of course, Harry! By the way, I know it might be uncomfortable for you if I keep sleeping with you in your bed so I will sleep on the floor.

Harry: What do you mean? You can stay in bed with me still, you know. I know you like my body heat and to be completely honest, I kind of like the feeling of knowing you're there and safe. I’ll go get changed and brush my teeth, then we can go to bed.

Harry stood up and, picking up his pajamas on the way out, left for the bathroom. About four minutes later, he was back. He turned off the light, scooped up Castor, and crawled into bed with the snake against his chest. That night was the first of many to come where the two of them fell asleep to Harry’s rhythmic breathing and fingers stroking down Castor’s long back.

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