xPART 13x

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(A/N: This chapter made me tear up while writing it. I hope you all like it as much as I do. Read on, Darlings, and you'll see why!)

Harry looked up as soon as the world stopped spinning. He tapped his right foot to see if the floor was carpeted and he heard the tiny slap of his shoe hitting stone. Not carpeted, then.

McGonagall looked at him and cleared her throat to catch his attention.

McGonagall: The department we need is this way, to the right. Let's not dally.

Harry nodded and trailed a few feet behind her as she walked further down the hall. They stopped at a door about 200 steps from where they had started and Professor McGonagall knocked on the door.

Unknown: Come in.

McGonagall led the way inside and shut the door behind Harry as he followed her in.

McGonagall: Scarlett Redwood. It's been a while, hasn't it?

Scarlett: It has, Professor. You look as stern as ever. How are you?

McGonagall: Very well, thank you. I see you've achieved your goal of working at the Ministry. Do you enjoy your work here?

Scarlett: I do, thank you. You probably didn't come here to talk, so what can I do for you?

McGonagall: I have an animagus student that needs to be registered.

Scarlett: Of course. I'll grab the papers and we can head to the chamber to transform.

Harry: Do you have an animagus form too?

Scarlett: I do. I turn into a red squirrel. It's kind of small but I love it either way. Alright, let's go into the back room and you can transform. By the way, I love your snakeskin scarf. Is it real?

Harry (Smiling): He's very real and very alive.

Scarlett paused and turned around to stare at him in shock.

Scarlett: It's alive? How do you trust it to not strangle you?

Harry smiled at her and stroked Castor's scales, looking at him fondly.

Harry: My familiar wouldn't hurt me. Besides, he's my eyes.

Scarlett: Your eyes? How so?

Harry: I'm blind. Castor sees for me and tells me where to go.

Scarlett: Oh, I didn't realize. Your eyes, they look so normal.

Harry: It's okay. I know they don't look the same as others but I am 100% blind.

McGonagall: That's not exactly true, though is it? I saw how you knew exactly where to go when Terry Boot had that anxiety attack. Explain that to me.

Harry: My Veela ability allows me to see magical auras. The castle stones are all filled with magic that I can see, meaning I can see a black and gray version of the world but with lines for color rather than just black and gray lines.

Scarlett: Interesting. I wonder how your animagus form will handle that. Or change it, I suppose.

McGonagall: I guess we shall find out.

Scarlett: Indeed. Come, this way.

She led them through a door behind her desk and into a medium-sized room, a little bit bigger than her office, Harry thinks. She set the papers on a tiny table off to the side of the door and gestured for Harry to go to the center of the room.

Scarlett: Have you transformed yet? Before now, I mean.

Harry: No.

Scarlett: That's fine. The most important thing to do is think of what your animal might be.

Blind, Half-Veela Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now