xPART 15x

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(A/A: Hey, Darlings. So, I was considering renaming the chapters and I wanted your opinion on whether I should or not. I already have the name for each chapter but should I put them in instead of xPART#x like I have been?)

It took another 42 minutes and another feline temper tantrum before Harry was able to change back; with Castor's help of course. It was another 56 minutes for Harry to be convinced that transforming would get easier the more he did it, that it would not be as scary and stressful as the first time, and that he should transform at least twice a week until he was comfortable doing it and it was as non-stressful as possible during the change.

As of right now, Harry was curled up in a ball in Castor's arms being carried back into Scarlett's office. Castor sat down in a soft and cushiony chair the furthest from any doors, people, or furniture. So, in other words, basically in the middle of the room. And, yes, to achieve this, Castor dragged one of the chairs to the spot he had chosen.

Scarlett and McGonagall didn't mind. They just sat at the desk itself, not saying anything about Castor's chosen spot.

Scarlett: Castor, are you able to help with Harry's paperwork alongside Professor McGonagall?

Castor: Yes.

Scarlett: And are you okay with being legally registered as well?

Castor hesitated, not knowing what that would mean for his safety.

Castor: Explain what that would mean for me as an ex-magic slave.

Scarlett choked on her own saliva and McGonagall looked pale with worry. Scarlett took a long sip from the glass of water on her desk. Once finished, she stared at Castor in shock and confusion.

Scarlett: I'm sorry, WHAT?! Okay, I think you need to back up and explain that a bit more in-depth for us.

Castor hesitated again, tension seeping into his body almost instantaneously. Feeling Castor's body language change, Harry whined and buried his face into Castor's neck further, his legs squeezing Castor's waist a little bit tighter. Castor fussed over him immediately.

Castor: Shhh, Ry, shhhh. Shhhhhhhhh.

Scarlett: Castor, I know this is a sensitive topic but we really need to talk about this.

Castor (whispering): I know. I just- I need a minute.

Scarlett: Of course, kiddo.

Castor slowly calmed down by running his fingers through Harry's soft, midnight-black hair. This seemed to calm down Harry too, if his loosening grip on Castor's waist was anything to go by. A short while later, Castor was ready to explain his past.

Castor: My twin and I came into our animagi inheritances when we were four. We were an early case but it wasn't abnormal for our family. We were six when we were captured while sunbathing our scales. We were separated and I was passed from one cruel owner to another.

McGonagall: Why couldn't you turn back into a human?

Castor: Each master had a different way of keeping me as a snake, one example being a thin, but strong, collar. One so tight on my neck that it would have snapped my neck two seconds into trying to shift. The last one was the rat.

Scarlett: How could a rat keep you from shifting?

Harry (Venomously): It drained magic.

Scarlett: Really? I've never heard of that kind of rat.

McGonagall: That's because it is a very dark creature. They usually only live in homes that are infested with very dark magic.

Harry: It was draining Castor's magic, locking him in his snake form, and even starting to drain his life force.

Scarlett: Oh, that's horrible! How did you escape that?

Castor: I had ended up in a pet shop. The rat's cage was above mine, still draining me, and when Harry came in, he saw what the rat was doing and saved me.

Scarlett: Hold on, how could Harry see what the rat was doing if draining magic is invisible?

Harry: My Veel ability, remember? I can see magical auras.

McGonagall: And your animagus gifts came from your father.

Scarlett: That's right, you're the son of James Potter. Your parents and I were in the same year at Hogwarts. Yeah, 'cause James had a stag animagus as well as patronus.

The four of them continued to chat, talking about animagi and what comes with it. Meanwhile, back at Hogwarts, Harry's friends were starting to get worried.

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