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       بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Algiers, Algeria.

"Aman" Ommi yells from outside my bedroom "Yes, Ommi, I'm coming I'm trying to get my hijab pinned" i answer back "Be fast we need to leave for the mosque soon, we can't be late on the first day of taraweeh, you know how your father feels about being late to the mosque for salah"

"Yes Ommi, I know" I reply coming down to stand next to her by the door where's Aamir?" I ask "Aamir is already in the car with your father now come on we need to go" she adds dragging me out the front door.

My tiny family, I love them so much, Aamir is my only sibling and is older then me with seven years then there's Ommi and Baba. I do have a large extended family though, with lots of cousins some I love and some whom I dislike because of their mannerisms, they are turning into those aunties who love gossiping.

I love it here in Algeria during ramadan, you can feel the happiness and exitcitment of everyone during this holy month, also the dedication and love that comes forward to do more is within everyone. The streets filled with smiles and what not.


The funny thing is even though Ommi rushed me out of the house, we got to the mosque early and had to wait a bit so I decided to pass time by by reading the Quran. The Qur'an is really a blessing from Allah to mankind and I believe every Muslim should treasure this book more than everything.

Taraweeh started fifteen minutes later and the qara'a of the person reciting the Qur'an is Mashaa Allah, elongating the verses where he is suppose to and stopping where to stop. I've been coming to this mosque with Baba for as long as I can remember but I've never heard this particular person's voice.

After taraweeh everyone starts filling out of the masjid as fast as they came in. I pick up my bag and follow after Ommi. "Abnati, do you know the person who led the salah today?" Ommi asks on our way to the car. "No, Ommi ask Aamir I'm sure he knows the person" i say distracted.

We all file into the car and Aamir pulls out of the parking lot. Once home i take off my hijab and head for the dining table for more food. After filling up my plate I sit and start to devour Ommi's special dish.

"Ommi, Baba I need to talk to you please" Aamir announces halfway through dinner. "Yes abni, go ahead" Baba says. "Uhm I got set up to meet this girl through this halal dating app I registered and I wanted to tell you that I want us to have a sit and talk with the girl as soon as possible in shaa Allah" Aamir says shying away from Baba's eyes. "Mashaa Allah Aamir may I have her wali's number so we know when to set up a date for us to meet with them in shaa Allah" Baba decides.

"Yes Baba in shaa Allah" and the table falls silent again. "Aamir is the person who lead the salah today new?" Ommi asks "no and yes his name is Naeem, he used to live here with his parents but left the country three years ago to further his studies we did study dentistry together though" Aamir tells Ommi "Mashaa Allah, he has a really good voice" Ommi adds and we all nod.

After dinner we pack up everything and wash up the dishes before all retiring to our rooms. I wake for sahoor six hours later refreshed and ready for another days fast. I have a few pieces of dates and some oatmeal before taking some water.

After subhi salah I remain seated to read my Adhkar and Aamir remains seated too "what's the girls name?" I ask "her name is Nasreen" he smiles and I giggle "look at you smiling at the mere mention of her name already" i tease "yes Aman, I own up to it" he smiles standing up to kiss my forehead.

"Oh and I almost forgot there are a few programs that are going to take place in the masjid and I was wondering if you'd want to volunteer this year too?" He asks "yes I will be going to the mosque early today in shaa Allah to write down my name" i conclude. "Mashaa Allah, may Allah bless you" he prays before disappearing up the stairs.


I walk into the mosque on time for asr and I'm met up with Fatima, my bestfriend we've been together since childhood and I love her so much. "Asalamu alaikum Zara" i giggle hugging her "Wa'alaikumus salam Aman"

"Are you here to volunteer too?" I ask "yes of course I want to spend everyday with my bestfriend and the cute children here" she smiles. "Fine then, let's go get started i have to leave early because I'm helping Ommi in the kitchen today."

After Asr we are divided into groups of three and I'm in charge of the kids who are practicing for the up coming muqabala and they are all so cute Masha Allah I can't.

I help Aamirs friend find his way around the masjid.
Though when he mentioned Naeem at the table yesterday I wasn't expecting someone like him.

I leave the mosque around six pm to go help with iftar and immediately I step inside the house I spot my grandparents in the sitting room "Asalamu alaikum hafidati, long time no see."

Lahaula wala quwata inabillah. Why are they here this early into ramadan.

Assalamu alaikum lovelies, just finished up the first chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it. See you next week. Much love💌.

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