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Algiers, Algeria.

Even after all the begging baba refused go allow me go back to the masjid. I even missed the muqabala all because of Aamir and of course Naeem. But Alhamdulilah, I was allowed to go for tahajjud which I'm grateful for by the way.

Tomorrow in shaa Allah is eid and two of my uncles and aunties are coming for lunch and are staying back for Aamir's engagement.

I can't stomach how fast ramadan went by this year. But Alhamdulillah for witnessing the beginning and ending of it. May Allah reward those who didn't witness the ending of this ramadan forgive them and elevate their status. Ameen.

My outfit for eid is ready and I've been in the kitchen since morning helping Ommi prepare the food for todays iftar and some snacks for tomorrow.

My feet are killing me from how long I've been standing did I fail to mention that Baba invited Naeem and his whole family for iftar today. It's around three in the evening when we finish everything so I take a shower and pray Asr before deciding to rest a bit.


Baba, Nana and Aamir leave for the mosque to pray Magrib and return with the guests. "Assalamu alaikum Aunty, Assalamu alaikum Oncle" I greet  "don't greet me from there my dear come give me a hug" Aunty Hiba coos. I give her a hug and if possible she smiles even wider.

"You look so beautiful mashaa Allah" she says pulling my cheeks causing me to blush and the others to laugh. "Come, come let's eat I'm sure you're all famished" Nana says leading them into the dinning room.

I bring out the plates and place them in front of everyone before serving them a bit of everything. I take my seat close to Aamir and dig in. "We are so sorry Naaem's sister couldn't make it, she has been  busy with preparations for tomorrow" Oncle Abbas says.

"Oh it's fine you are here to fill in for them, they'll be here for the engagement though I hope?" Baba asks "they will be in shaa Allah" " So Naeem hows the new job coming along" Nana asks.

"Fine Alhamdulillah" he smiles picking up his glass of water to take a sip he catches me staring and I quickly look away blushing.

"Mashaa Allah the food tastes amazing especially the samosas,  thank you for having us" Aunty Hiba says. "Oh no no, we should be thanking you and Aman made them she's a very good cook" Nanu says. "Allahumma barik Aman they taste wonderful" Aunty Hiba adds.

I blush even more before answering "thank you Aunty" after dinner we serve dessert and the elders discuss things concerning the engagement. When i'sha is called we all gather in the prayer room Ommi made to pray.

After salah they get up to leave so we all escort them outside "jazakallahu khairan once again we really enjoyed everything and Eid mubarak by the way." Oncle Abbas says "it's our pleasure and Eid mubarak to you too" Baba responds.

We wait until they drive out of our street before we go back into the house. I clean up the dinning and kitchen while Aamir helped me tidy up the sitting room. After putting in the last plate in the dishwasher I turn it on and head upstairs to take the much need sleep I deserve.

Salam peeps how you doingggg?
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