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Algiers, Algeria.

Its the last ten days of ramadan and tahajjud has started Alhamdulillah. This ramadan has gone by so fast though it hasn't come to an end, I'm already missing it. Aamir and Nasreen have agreed to get married and their engagement is a week after Eid in shaa Allah. I'm so excited, I can't believe Aamir is getting married.

I walk into the masjid today with a profound purpose and a good feeling. Just as I bend down to remove my shoes someone yells "look out Aman!" but it's too late as the shelf and the people holding onto it appear out of nowhere and hit me square on the head.

Ya Allah, I think I might have a concussion. I pick up my bag and stand up carefully holding onto the wall. "Are you alright?" Someone asks and I look up to see it's Naeem. Just hit me in the head again please.

Please tell me he didn't witness what just happened. "I tried warning you but I was too late. Are you fine, do you need ice, should I call Aamir to pick you up?" He asks concerned. "I'm fine Alhamdulillah thanks for asking though, Asalamu alaikum" I say walking away as fast as my legs could take me.

"I don't think you're fine maybe I should call Aamir" he says bringing out his phone "no please don't, really I'm fine" i say smiling a bit to prove my point though I feel a headache coming on.Ya Allah please let Zara be around i pray.

"Ok then, stay safe though" he says and I nod. Thank Allah he finally left. I rush to the women's section and Alhamdulillah, Zara is there. "Oh My Allah, Aman what happened to your head?" She yells, typical dramatic Zara.

"Long story" I sigh "just help me sit please" i say holding my head. "You have always been so clumsy, your forehead looks purple." she exclaims examining my forehead. "Stop being dramatic zara, I'm fine, I just need to sit down for a bit." I argue.

She mutters something under her breath and walks away. A small boy comes running towards me holding something.

"Yes habibi, what do you need help with?" I ask trying my best to smile. "I was sent to give you this" he says handing a bottle of iced water "he says to tell you he couldn't find any ice but this would do" he says helping me hold it onto my forehead.

"That's so nice of you thank you, tell whoever gave you the bottle that I'm really grateful now go read your Qur'an the competition is next tomorrow" i smile and he turns and runs out the door.

I put the bottle over my forehead and wince a little maybe I do need to call Aamir to go get my head checked. Well I ended up deciding not to call him but apparently, someone did and I'm currently on my way home from the hospital.

With Aamir complaining nonstop i rest my head on the window and allow him to rat my ears off. I have a strong feeling Naeem called him but I don't want to jump to conclusions. "Who told you i had hit my head?" I ask.

"None of your business Aman. The person was a well wisher who had the right to be concerned after seeing what your forehead looks like" he scolds taking a left turn. "Do you know it could have been worse?" He yells and I discreetly roll my eyes.

"But I'm fine" i whine. "That's it you're not allowed to come to the masjid unless you're coming for tahajjud ok?" He decides "But Aamir..." i start to argue "don't you dare finish that sentence" he warns turning to look at me as he parks the car in front of the house.

I huff silently and grab my things before exiting the car. What a brother i have. Naeem better not cross paths with me ever again after what he'd just caused. I walk into the house and remove my shoes.

"Salam" i yell "baba, Aamir is being mean again" I pout when I see him coming down the stairs. "Aman what happened to you?" He exclaims rushing to see my forehead. So much for wanting to have him on my side.

Poor Aman. Who's loving were things are heading though the progress is a bit slow?
Well, see you when I see you in shaa Allah🤍.
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Until I Met You ✔️.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن