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Algiers, Algeria.

Abi told me Aman wants to see me again so I told him I'll inform him of a comfortable day for me.
I tell Abi I'll be able to see Aman after jumm'ah on Friday so he agrees to call her father to inform him of the day I'm going.

When Friday finally rolls by, I head to the masjid and while walking down to Aamirs house as it's not far from the mosque I meet him on the way to their house.

"Assalamu Alaikum Akh" he says tapping me on the back "Waalaikumus salam, didn't see you there for a second" I say as we continue walking down to their house.

"Baba, Ommi we're home, Naeem is with me too" he yells as we enter the house "yallah come sit I'll go get Aman" he says leading me to the sitting room where I meet Oncle and Aunty khadijah having coffee.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I say as we enter the room "Wa'alaikumus salam,come sit" aunty khadijah says exiting the room leaving me and Oncle Aaban.

"Your father tells me you got a new job how is it going so far?" He asks "so far everything's been great Alhamdulilah" I answer "Mashaa Allah, may Allah bless you" he prays just as I answer "Ameen" Aamir walks in with Aman in tow.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she mutters taking a sit opposite me "Wa'alaikumus salam" i respond "don't go off topic" Aamir jokes walking out with Oncle Aaban.

"How was your day?" I ask "I didn't do much but Alhamdulilah. You?" She asks "a bit stressful but Alhamdulilah too. Abi said you wanted to see me again, is something wrong?" I ask.

Her eyes widen before she replies "no not really, I just wanted to ask you a few more questions so I can make i decision, I don't want to keep you waiting." she explains

"Yeah that's good and take as much time as you want it's your life too" I assure her. She asks me more questions about myself and we lasted twenty minutes discussing things important things to be exact. " I'll get going, I need to go back to the masjid to get Abi before we head home" I say getting up.

"But before I go I just want you to know that you shouldn't allow anything to cloud your judgment and if you feel you don't want to get married to me or anytime soon do tell Oncle or Aamir, it's also your life, which means you also have a say in how you want to live it" I emphasize. "In shaa Allah" she smiles.

As I walk out of the sitting room I meet up with Aamir just as his coming down the stairs "you're going?" He questions "yes, say goodbye to Oncle for me I need to go get Abi from the mosque I say putting on my shoes.

"Before you leave, Aman made this for you I'm sure she didn't tell you" he says bringing out a plate filled with chocolate cake I almost smile with my teeth but I compose myself immediately. "Say thank you to her for me please" I say collecting the cake from him.
" in shaa Allah."


Two days later, Aamirs calls me just as I'm entering my car to leave the house for work to tell me she said "yes" as in yes to getting married to me I almost didn't want to go to work anymore. I call Maryam and Abubakr to inform them of the good news once I arrived at work.

Alhamdulilah ya Allah.

I told y'all I had a feeling I was going to be planning 2 weddings those we guessed right with me gather here😌!
I can already hear the wedding bells😂.
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