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Algiers, Algeria.

Two days to Eid.

Alhamdulillah, the muqabala was a success, all the children did a wonderful job. But I haven't seen Aman since the day she hit her head,  I only came to learn that she was only allowed to come for tahajjud to help relieve her of the stress so she can heal faster.

Aamir and Nareen's engagement is around the corner Alhamdulilah, and Mama has been so excited, though we decided to keep everything simple meaning only family members and close friends are invited in shaa Allah.

When I'm getting married in shaa Allah, Aamir is going to plan everything for me. I am actually on my way to his house to pick him up so we can go get him some shoes for his special day.

I walk up the front door and ring the door bell. "Yes, I'm coming !" someone yells a few seconds later Aman flings the door open revealing her face "oh Asalamu alaikum, please come in" she smiles I nod and walk in. "Waalaikumus salam, nice to see you Aman hope you're feeling much better?" I enquire and she nods blushing a bit I look away realising I've been staring.

"I'm much better thanks for asking, I'll go get Aamir please have a sit" she adds gesturing to the seats. I watch as she disappears down the hallway before taking a seat.

Aamir appears a few minutes later "asalamu alaikum bro, I hope I didn't keep you waiting?" He asks "it's fine, we should get going though we don't want to be late" I say. "Ommi, Naeem came over to help me get a few things we'll be back before iftar in shaa Allah" he yells.

After she replies we exit the house and file into my car before heading for the mall. We come back home after praying magrib in the masjid so we head straight for the dinning table. Everything smells amazing Mashaa Allah.

"Aman come serve dinner!" Aunty khadijah yells "yes, I'm coming I'm trying to finish up the samosas" she replies. She appears a few seconds later and starts handing out plates. When it gets to my turn i collect the plate careful of our hands not touching.

Halfway through dinner Aamirs grandma speaks up "i hope you're planning on getting married soon too Naeem" she says "no Nanu not yet" I reply "Why?" She asks "well i haven't found someone yet" i explain.

"Ya Allah the children of this days wanting to find spouses for themselves haven't you seen your parents and us too we all met through our parents, give your mother the chance to find you one or you can take Aman here we are all tired of her." Nanu rants causing to Aman choke.

She coughs for a bit before clearing her throat " I'm sorry my food went down the wrong pipe" she explains blushing. "I'll talk to my mother about it" i say "about what part of the conversation that you want to get to know Aman or you'll talk to your mother about finding you a bride?" She asks

"I'll talk to my mother" i say. I agree with Aamir now, his grandmother is really nosy. After dinner we have some chessecake Aman made which is again delicious by the way.

"I'll be taking my leave" i announce getting up "so soon?" Oncle Abban questions "yes I want to get a few things on my way before I go home" i explain. "Yal'lah, let me escort you" Aamir says getting up. I hug Nana and Oncle Abban before following Aamir outside.

"Don't mind what Nana said earlier, she has been trying to get Aman to make up her mind and decide to get married it's been like this for two years now" he sighs " I've been there bro, your Nanu is an older version of my mother back home" i joke.

"See you tomorrow" i say getting into my car "see you then" he says stepping aside. I pull out the driveway and zoom off thinking of if I told my mother that I had someone in mind and that someone is someone I shouldn't be thinking of.

Salam y'all.
I hope things are starting to get interesting or do u still think it's boring?
Let me know in the comments 🤍.
See you soon in shaa Allah and don't forget to comment vote and share.
Jazakallahu khairan 🫶🏽.

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