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Algiers, Algeria.

It's Saturday afternoon and my mom's sister Aunty Noor came over to help make lunch for our guests Zara too came to help and we finish everything early. When Baba calls Nana and Nanu to tell them that someone is coming home to see me Nanu yells "Alhamdulilah habibiti, I thought you'd end up dying a spinster." She joked.

It's after Asr' when there's a knock on the door. "They're here!" Ommi yells from the stairs. Aunty Noor helps me adjust my hijab and drags me downstairs. "Don't be nervous and be yourself ok?" She comforts hugging me as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

I hear their voices as they come into the house "wait here for a bit ok, I'll come get you" "but they've been here before" I argue "under different circumstances, yes now shh" she concludes walking away.

"She comes back for me ten minutes later "come on let's go" she urges holding onto my hand. "Assalamu Alaikum" i mutter as we walk into the sitting room. "Wa'alaikumus salam" they all chorus "have a seat Aman" Baba says.
I take my sit close to Ommi holding onto her hand for dear life. I don't look up as they continue to discuss things before I came in.

"Lunch is ready" Aunty Noor announces and we all move to the dinning table for lunch the elders continue their discussion concerning Aamir and Nasreen and I've never been glad that me and Naaem aren't the centre of discussion.

After lunch what I've been dreading comes to play "Come on, we should allow them to at least talk. Aamir go with them please." Aunty Noor says.

We walk up to the balcony and Aamir speaks up. "I'll be right outside ok" he assures and we both nod.
"Assalamu Alaikum Aman" Naaem says and that's the first time I actually look up to look at him.

"Wa'alaikumus salam" i respond "how have you been doing?" He asks "Alhamdulilah, you?" I throw his question back at him "I've been good too Alhamdulilah, I know you have questions to ask so ask them before Aamir comes to take us back" he jokes lightly and I smile.

I asked about his deen, what he sees himself doing in future and how he plans on spending the rest of his life and answers all of them beautifully Mashaa Allah. He asked me a few questions too in between and when Aamir comes back I think we are both satisfied with the information we've gotten from each other.

"Ok then I'll see you when I see you" he says going back with Aamir. And even as he leaves I don't really need to think about it I really do see myself spending the rest of my life with someone like him but just to be sure I think I need to see him one more time to be one hundred percent sure.


Baba calls me after i'sha to his bedroom to talk to me "yes habibi what do you think of Naaem, do you think he is the one?" He questions and i blush a bit before answering. "I don't mean it as anything baba but can i meet him again sometime?" I reply.
"Of course you can, you should feel free to ask him questions, reasonable ones though until you are comfortable with his answers before you make your decision" he advises "thank you Baba" I smile.

"You're welcome" he says hugging me. "I can't believe both my children will be leaving me soon" he jokes making me feel emotional.

"Come on Baba I haven't even gone yet, there's still plenty of time. And I'll always come home to see you no matter what." i sniffle using my sleeves to wipe my cheeks and his.
"You'll always be my baby girl" he smiles kissing my forehead gently "I'll inform Abbas of your decision tomorrow in shaa Allah" he concludes and i nod.

"Good night Baba" I say as I head for the door "good night azizati" he says. I go back to my room and change into my pajamas before climbing my bed to get some rest.

Who is excited to know what her decision is?
Cuz I am 🥹💕I have a feeling I'm going to be planning two weddings.
Can't believe I'm almost done with this book. Don't forget to vote comment and share.
Do save some space for the wedding snacks, see you all❤️.

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