
387 29 17

Algiers, Algeria.

"Good evening Nanu, how are you?" i say walking further into the room to hug her. "I'm fine habity how have you been?" She asks "Alhamdulillah I've been well" I say giving my grandfather a hug "I'll be right down let me drop my bag" I say.

On my way up I meet Aamir "come on bro, you never told me nana and nanu would be here early this Ramadan" I whisper yell.

"I'm so sorry I've been wanting to tell you,I know how y'all don't get along, but you know how busy I've been, Baba told nanu about nasreen and when we'd be going over and he decided to come earlier to go with Baba" he explains. "I'm really sorry, but please do this for me?" He pleads and I nod.

"Thank you so much. May Allah reward you and grant you answers to all your duas" he prays hugging me "ameen" I reply into his chest. Standing close to Aamir I look really short even though I'm taller than a lot of my other female cousins.

"I'll see you at taraweeh in shaa Allah, I have to clear up somethings at the mosque and won't be home early" he informs me . "See you then" I say dropping my bag on the bed and heading back downstairs with him.

He nods at me when we reach the bottom of the stairs silently saying "I've got this" I nod back and he gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving the house. I would surely miss Aamir when he moves out eventually the house won't be the same without him.

I sigh and make my way to the kitchen. Nanu is already in the kitchen helping Ommi so I join in and start bringing out the ingredients to make the kebab Ommi asked me to make. Halfway through making iftar finally thinking maybe Nanu has started changing she proves me wrong.

"Khadijah, don't you think it's high time Aman brought home someone or you set her up with one?" Nanu asks chopping up the brocoli for the sauce she's making Ommi looks up from the stove and looks at me silently telling me not to offend Nanu by saying anything.

"Well yes, but she has a few things she's doing right now and when the time is right in shaa Allah, Allah will provide her with one" Ommi says smiling as if proud of her answer.

"No Khadijah, look even Aamir has someone in mind and she as a female is still staying home doing nothing" Nanu says turning to look at me with expectant eyes as I turn the kebabs over to grill it evenly. I continue to pretend as if I'm not there while the conversation takes place and then when I thought the discussion had come to an end Nanu directs a question at me.

"Hafidati, don't you think your parents can find you a suitable match or do you just enjoy still being at home when your other cousins have children already?" Sabr I chant in my head. I take a deep breath and look up after what seems like forever. "I'm getting there Nanu"  I sigh

"So you said Aman, it's been two years now" she exclaims. "Yes I know Nanu and in shaa Allah when the time comes I'll get married" I say grabbing her hands to try and convince her.
"You have six months Aman, that's all I'm giving you. If not I'm finding you a husband ok?" Ommi signs for me to nod in the positive so I do to avoid more drama.

The rest of the time spent cooking goes by without any extra talk and I've never been glad. I set up the table and head up to my room to wash up before magrib. Nana and Baba go to the mosque while the three of us pray at home. After iftar I clean up the table and get ready to leave the house for taraweeh.


I meet Zara up at the women's section in the mosque and we talk about a few things we could do to help the kids improve on their recitation for the next day. The adhan for i'sha is called and we all get up to pray after i'sha and taraweeh.

We say our goodbyes with promises to meet tomorrow. "See you tomorrow in shaa Allah" Zara says and I nod hugging her.

"I'll call you later I want to talk to you about something."I whisper into her ear and she nods before running off to meet her father oncle Omar.
He has been Baba's friend for as long as I can remember.

After serving dessert we sit down In the living room to talk a bit. "Aamir, I spoke with Nasreen's father and they said we can come this Saturday in shaa Allah to discuss things further." Baba says "Ok Baba I'll keep that in mind." Aamir replies.

"Aamir you better talk to this sister of yours, tell her to get serious and decide on what she wants to do with her life she can't live with her parents forever she has to get married soon." Nanu starts again and I sigh. Here we go again.

Aamir holds my hand and looks back at Nanu "I'll talk to her in shaa Allah"  he says. After dessert we all retire to our rooms.

Just as I pick up my phone to call Zara there's a knock on my door. "Yes, come in" I yell. "Asalamu alaikum" Aamir says taking a sit on my ottoman. "Waalaikumus salam akhi, why aren't you asleep yet?" I question because he's usually out by this time.

"Well I just wanted to see if you're fine you know after what Nanu said" he says holding my hand "oh you know how Nanu is, it's nothing really." I try to smile instead my lips start to tremble.

"Don't take what she says to heart Aman, you know how she can be and it's not your fault you're not married yet, such things are beyond our control, only Allah can determine when it is the right time for such" he coos trying to comfort me. "Don't cry ok?" I nod using the back of my hand to wipe away the stubborn tear that fell.

What would I do without a brother like Aamir. He stands up and sits on the bed with me and gives me a hug "Everything will be alright, and who knows you might even get married before me" he jokes making me laugh. "Go to sleep Aman, I'll see you tomorrow in shaa Allah" he says as he exits my room.

Suddenly I don't need to disturb Zara so I go to bed with the intention of calling her first thing tomorrow morning in shaa Allah.

This Ramadan is going to be a long one.

Salam lovelies🤍!
Another chapter is out, keep up the votes and don't forget to vote comment your thoughts and do share please. Jazakallahu khairan🫂.
I have a feeling I'm spoiling y'all too much with this updates😂 anyways enjoy❤️.

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