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Algiers, Algeria.

I get a call from Abubakr the next day with my heart in my throat "Assalamu Alaikum Akhi" he yelled into the phone "waalaikumus salam, why are you this happy" I chuckle "say Alhamdulilah and continue to praise Allah" he says "Alhamdulilah, what happened?" I ask again.

"I spoke to Aamir yesterday as I promised you and he said it's fine with him I told him you couldn't speak to you directly about it so I volunteered to help you. But, he said he'll have to discuss things with Aman then he'll get back to you in shaa Allah"

A sigh of relief escapes me "Alhamdulilah" I mutter "Jazakallahu khairan Abubakr" I add "wa iyyak, I'm sure Aamir will call you anytime from now" he adds "and do be clear about what you want if you really want him to talk to Aman about you ok?" He advises.

"In shaa Allah, I'll call you later in shaa Allah when I get home from work" I say "ok then, bye." I end the call and go perform wudhu' before coming back to my office to pray two raka'at to thank Allah for this and to make this a new path I am venturing into.

I close from work two hours later and head home still waiting for Aamir's phone call. After calling Maryam to tell her everything I get a call from Aamir. Bismillah I mutter before picking the call.

"Assalamu Alaikum Naaem, how are you going?" He questions, "waalaikumus salam, I've been good Alhamdulilah. You?" I ask "Ana bi khair Alhamdulilah. I wanted to talk to you about Aman" he begins and I hold my breath waiting for his next words.

"What do you really want with my sister and be honest with me?" He says "firstly, wallahi I don't know how it happened but all I know is I prayed to Allah and asked for His Hidayah and that's when I finally spoke to Abubakr about it because I didn't know how to approach you" I begin.

"But my intentions with your sister are clear and with your parents permission and hers too and if Allah wills it in shaa Allah I would like to marry Aman, not because of anything but because from the little I've learnt about her she's a good person with good intentions and is a practicing muslimah which I admire too." I conclude.

"Mashaa Allah, I just want you to know that if things go well and Aman says yes to seeing you then you have my blessings and permission in shaa Allah. And that is because I trust you to take care of her" he says.
"Jazakallahu khairan, bro I feel much better now that I'm not hiding anything from you" I sigh "wa iyyak, I'll call you as soon as I get an answer from her and Baba in shaa Allah."

When I end the call my heart is at peace even though I don't know what Aman's answer might be. I hope she doesn't think I'm weird or anything.

I go up to Abi's room to inform him of everything and to say he was happy is an understatement, "Mashaa Allah Abni, I'll be waiting for Aaban's call then in shaa Allah. He says "have you told your mother?" He questions "no I was about going down to tell her" I inform him.
"Ok then, May Allah continue to bless you Naeem" he prays for me "Ameen" I answer.


When Oncle Aaban calls Abi a few days later to inform him of Aman's decision I thank Allah for giving me this opportunity. Of course I told Abi about all that happened even before Oncle Aaban called.

I don't think I've ever anticipated the coming of Saturday so badly that I couldn't sleep well throughout the week.

Thinking of how things might go, what if we aren't compatible, or what if she decides I'm not someone she sees herself spending the rest of her life with the what if's in my mind were endless.

Salam lovelies?
It's been what, 16 chapters?
What do you think of the book so far?
Few more chapters to go. I know, just when things started getting interesting ayi? Don't worry you'll love the ending🤍.

I decided this was going to be a short story from the very beginning and Alhamdulilah I'm almost done with the book. Couldn't have done it without all of you🥹💕.
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