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It's safe to say it's been six weeks now. As much as I would like to say I enjoyed not having to attend classes at the university anymore. I was going stir crazy with completing my daily tasks and duties way too quickly. I tried to fill the extra time in my schedule by learning Kamille's likes and dislikes.

Anything sugary sweet
Anything that smells like me
Going on runs early in the morning

Spicy/sour food
Having to attend school
When I don't give her attention
When I'm in the office all day
When I pay too much attention to some of the pack members that are the same gender

The list could go on with her dislikes. As frustrating as it was it helped knowing she currently had her eyes on me. Spotting a few textbooks that needed to be returned to the university, I plucked them off my office shelf and trotted downstairs. In search for a snack before returning the books. Noticing a basket of oranges on the island with a note. Perfect straight handwriting scribbled a small message addressed to me. Reaching for an orange while I read the note out loud.

"Alpha these are only for you. Don't eat them all in one sitting and I mean it. With love, Liz. Heart and kissy face." Chuckling I set the note down. "Thank you mother hen." Peeling my orange with slight when Kamille walked into the kitchen yawning, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning." Voice laced with sleep still.

"Morning princess. Looks like you slept in today." Finally able to get the entire peel off the orange and split open. Eating a slice to enjoy the acidic taste.

"It's not six in the morning?" With an amused smile I shook my head. Watching her confusion slowly build into panic.

"It's almost noon now and we are the only two here." She was now in panic mode as she tried to figure out what to do first. Run around asking questions or run upstairs to try to make it to her last few classes. "Easy Kamille. I notified the academy about your absence for today." Eating the rest of my orange in one bite.

"Oh, well... thank you I guess."

"Mm. As payment you'll be accompanying me to the university. Then when we return home you'll help Liz with house work. Sound fair?" Grabbing two more oranges before moving around the kitchen. Pulling a few ingredients and bringing them to the island.

"When do we leave?" Kamille asked hopping onto the island next to the oranges. I frowned at her for doing so. Lightly I smacked her hand from touching the oranges as she seemed to be eyeing them.

"No touching. We leave after a proper meal and washing up." I didn't shower last night or this morning and it was bothering me. I wasn't a germaphobe just appreciated being able to have good hygiene. Going back to preparing our meal Kamille watched with interest.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"Had to learn since I've technically been on my own since the age of eight." Turning the stove on to heat up a pan. "My guardian didn't do much cooking."

"Guardian? Do you not have parents?" It was an innocent question but it still stung. I was about to place some bacon on a separate pan when I paused briefly. Memories of my parents in this exact kitchen cooking and being playful with each other. Their laughter filling the house. How everything felt right and freeing. I could still picture my mother's back as she hugged my other mom. The shinning sun filtering in through the window on to them as they smiled lovingly at each other. Taking a deep breath I blinked back the memory and continued to place the bacon on the now hot pan.

Alpha's Second Chance (Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now