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You went ahead and packed the sandwiches you made together with Yuukoku. The ones for your friends were packed in a large bag, while yours was in a small one.

"If anyone makes you cry today or causes panic, call me and I'll curse them for you. Oh, and say hi to Endou-san for me."

You nodded, laughing nervously at his first sentence. You told yourself you'd only do his second request.

He waved goodbye as you made your Sangoku's apartment first. You made sure during school you'd pressure him into coming, through your tactic of spamming him messages and leaving sticky notes everywhere where he could find it.

He relented in by the end of school.

You knocked on his apartment door.


He wore the Raimon tracksuit, and waved as he saw you. You looked behind him just before he closed and locked the door.

"Mom isn't here. She quickly left for a meeting."

You sighed in relied. You wouldn't know how to explain to his mother about your reappearance.

"Ready to go?"

You nodded. You and him took the bicycle to reach the riverbank, with you sitting behind him, and the bags of the packed sandwiches clutched in one hand while the other held Sangoku's waist.

You two arrived soon enough. You pouted to see only the managers, Haruna, Endou, Tenma, and Shinsuke being the others there. But it was better than none, you told yourself.

But you also told yourself you're going to make sure that everyone who was absent for this, no matter how, that they will suffer the wrath of memo spamming during school tomorrow.

Endou had set up some exercises for Tenma, Shinsuke, and Sangoku. While the last focused on dribbling and defending, Sangoku took care of the goal.

"That bag is huge, [Name]! What's in it?" Midori asked.

You brought out your phone. "Sandwiches for the team!"

"That's so nice of you, but only Tenma, Shinsuke, and Sangoku-senpai came...." Aoi said.

"Cheh. I'm sure Sangoku only came because [Name] told him too."

That was true, Midori-senpai. You sweatdropped.

"Shin-sama...." Akane whimpered.

"Is he the only one you care about Akane?"

You giggled to yourself. You focused again on the practice. It looked fun, real fun. You started tapping your foot, and made tiny kicks against the ground.

The bounce of the ball reminded of drum. A song. You closed your eyes, and tuned in onto the bouncing beat. In mix of the beat, there was breathing tempo.


You jumped. Midori had placed her hand on your shoulder.

"You good there?"

You nodded vigorously.

"Okay then... Anyway, Coach Endou is calling for you."

Endou was waving at you to come onto the field. You walked over there, standing by Sangoku. You tilted your head.

"Join us for practice too, [Surname]." Endou grinned.

" \(●○●)/"

"Woah! How did she ⸺"

Sangoku cut off Tenma's question. "Don't ask."

You were yes all the way. Playing by yourself was fine, but you definitely preferred to play with lots more people. Endou assigned you as a forward after you pulled a lot to decide you position. Your muscle memories would confuse your playstyle, considering you're still the undead and soccer practice with Yuukoku was sparse thanks to your time gated energy, but you were sure you can managed.

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