『Compatibility: Aries x Libra』

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Compatibility score overall: 66%


- Emotional connectivity
- Excellent intimacy
- Rare appreciation


- Little agreement
- Searching for different things
- Opposite opinions


The Aries-and-Libra interaction is important for both since these signs oppose one another. As the "I am" sign of the zodiac, Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Libra is the "I relate" sign of the zodiac, and is analytical, connecting, and fair. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) can happen and should happen, so both signs can reach their full potential. Libra is a cardinal sign, that leads by partnering, but Aries leads individually, so these two signs can struggle if one or both are immature.


This romance combination is more challenging than all the other relationship types. Once Libra figures out what Aries wants and how they should ask for their wants/needs in front of the Aries wants/needs; otherwise, they may end up deprived and disappointed while the Aries is getting continually satisfied. Aries and Libra usually find an ethereal pull and attraction towards each other. However, a breach into another's space is not welcomed as it could lead to the dozing of the fire. Moreover, despite the prevailing attraction, the passive-aggressive behaviour, especially from the side of the Aries usually stops these two from seeing each other.


Aries and Libra friends are very important to each other because of the balance they should bring to each other. Aries can cause trouble for itself by trying to do everything on its own and Libra can cause trouble for itself by needing input from others constantly. A Libra friend can help Aries relate better and an Aries friend can help Libra avoid being a doormat for everyone else.

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