Chapter 40- The Gift

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New Home (Slowed) by Austin Farwell

In an attempt to outpace the morning sun, I embarked on an early stroll around the lake. The events of the previous night only added fuel to the relentless blaze of confusion within me. The situation involving the Orb, the Gaunt family's sinister intentions, my unpredictable magic – it all overwhelmed me. Even my thoughts on romantic involvement were in a state of turmoil. I longed to erase my existence or alleviate the pain I felt. Briefly, the idea crossed my mind that perhaps I could attempt...

But that type of thinking only lead to destruction.... as I've learned from the past.

With that last thought, I hurled a small rock across the lake's surface in frustration before settling down on its shore. A serene silence enveloped the surroundings, the faint sounds of magical creatures and the gentle lake waves barely audible. The sky gradually transformed as the sun slowly ascended, painting the horizon with its shifting hues.

Engrossed in contemplation, I absentmindedly traced circles in the sand until the sound of approaching footsteps snapped me out of my reverie. A fleeting thought of apparating to the Owlery crossed my mind, though such a move would likely be rather impolite, wouldn't it?

Ominis settled down beside me, his presence speaking volumes without the need for words. Without hesitation, he enveloped me in his arm, and I found solace as I rested my head against him. He had an innate ability to discern whether I was ready for a conversation, or even reachable at all. In this moment, my mind was a whirlwind of responsibilities, each vying for attention, and the weight of it all manifested in tears trickling down my cheeks.

Ominis quietly brushed the tears from my cheeks, his silence a comforting presence. He held me tightly as I let the tears flow freely. In that moment, I yearned for a different path, one where the weight of duty and the constant feeling of inadequacy didn't press down on me so heavily. The responsibility I carried for the lives and domains under my protection felt overwhelming, so many lives dependent on my actions. It was a whirlwind of chaos within me, my human emotions only serving to amplify the turmoil.

Ominis remained by my side, his embrace and the gentle rub of his hand on my back offering a sense of solace. This vulnerability was new between us, a depth of openness I hadn't shared before. His presence felt like a soothing balm, easing the rawness of my emotional wounds.

"I just wish I could vanish," I murmured softly. "So much is hanging on me. People are facing danger because of my actions..."

"The Gaunts are the ones who've truly endangered lives, the ones who've committed murder and plundered from your people... You're shouldering the burden of rectifying their wrongs for your Realm and your people, just as a true leader would," he responded firmly.

"Yes but this very Gaunt has been my savior in countless ways, countless times," I said, my gaze lifting to meet his.

He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. "You deserve far more than this. All my family has done is wreak havoc with their beliefs and actions against both the wizarding and aquatic world."

I clung to him more tightly, pondering how a soul so gentle could emerge from a family like his. It amazed me that he retained his kindness despite the trials his family had subjected him to, all the wounds and scars they had inflicted.

"Run away with me?" I ventured, my tone half-joking, while giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Dearest, there's nothing I'd desire more than to be with you... if only the fate of our entire world wasn't resting on your shoulders," he replied with a hint of wistfulness.

He pulled down the sleeve of my sweater for a lingering kiss on my shoulder.

"Are you prepared for this?" I inquired.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now