Chapter 60- Affliction

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Sebastian POV:

I decided to confide in Anne about the lingering effects of the Imperius Curse that Morgana had once cast upon me. Yvaine had done an incredible job in keeping those effects at bay, but the truth was that the night terrors still haunted me on some nights.

I didn't want Anne to feel like I was a burden or a project, especially when there were people like Ominis who genuinely needed extra help due to their significant challenges and limitations.

"I thought you said it was getting better," Anne said with concern, placing her hand on my shoulder. My eyes bore dark circles beneath them, evidence of a sleepless night. I had taken precautions to ensure I wouldn't harm Anne with any unintended actions.

I stirred my spoon in my morning porridge, my thoughts heavy. "It is, but on some nights, it feels like it comes back even stronger... I just don't understand why."

"Have you told Yvaine?" she inquired, scrutinizing my expression.

"She has enough to worry about," I admitted, my voice tinged with shame. I despised asking for help in any form. I didn't want her to perceive me as weak or incapable, especially when I was trying to win her heart.

That was yet another dilemma on my mind—how to handle our predicament and Ominis's suggestion.

"Sebastian, you really need to stop with that," she scolded, delivering a playful slap to the back of my head. "She loves you. Just think how much more upset she'd be if she found out you were keeping something from her."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed the back of my head, conceding to her point. Although I hated being a burden, I did enjoy the nights Yvaine spent with me, providing relief and comfort.

They way she stroked my hair and sang lullabies to get me back to sleep was a dear memory. She doesn't sing too often but ,Goderick's heart, her voice is the most beautiful things to grace my ears. I can see why so many muggles may sink to their deaths.

At least I think that was the case from what I remember from my muggle history classes. Her voice is just as hypnotizing as her beautiful purple-magenta colored irises.

"What nightmares plague you?" Anne said pulling me from my thoughts.

"...sometimes it's our parents dying, sometimes it's the day you got cursed, Solomon... and when I stabbed Yvaine," I confessed, my words starting to stammer.

"At other times, it feels like it's all of them at once, or just my general fears," I added, trying to hold back my emotions.

"Merlin," she said, her expression sympathetic, as an owl flew in with a letter for her.

She quickly read the letter and responded. Normally, I would inquire, but I was simply too exhausted.

"I'm heading to the market stalls... do you need anything?" she asked. I shook my head and returned to my attempts to get some more sleep.


Yvaine's POV

I always found solace in Anne and Sebastian's home hamlet. Despite the challenges it had endured, it continued to rebuild, thrive, and exude an air of resilience. The market today buzzed with life, small magical creatures flitting about, and the scent of magic hanging in the air. I watched as someone chased a mischievous niffler that had pilfered one of his necklaces for sale.

"Yvaine!" Anne's voice rang out from across the bustling street. We rushed toward each other and met in a warm embrace. "It's been far too long! How have you been?"

"It truly has been! I haven't seen you since I returned to Hogwarts for the school year," I replied, my hands holding hers as excitement bubbled within me.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now