Chapter 48- It Begins

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Yvaine POV

My consciousness ebbed and flowed, trapped in a nightmarish cycle of pain. I couldn't discern one type of suffering from another; it was all-consuming and unlike any agony I had ever endured. Morgana's relentless incantations were a cruel backdrop to my torment, and in my moments of lucidity, I found myself silently praying for release, wishing for Posiedon to claim my soul.

The necklace, a vessel for dark magic, weighed heavily on me, restricting my movements and draining my own magical reserves to a mere trickle.

"Now, let's see if all our plans will come to fruition, shall we?" Morgana's voice rang out as she removed the oppressive necklace, and Silas stepped forward with the Orb. With its removal, I could feel my magic slowly beginning to return, a glimmer of hope amidst the pain.

"If you would, please," Morgana motioned for me to place my hand on the Orb. Reluctantly, I made a swift cut on my palm, allowing a drop of my blood to fall onto the relic. As the blood touched the surface, the Orb stirred to life, its ancient power awakening with a soft, otherworldly hum.

As the Orb hummed to life, the chamber reverberated with power, but chaos erupted in the background. Explosions echoed from outside, and the urgent arrival of Realm reinforcements was reported by Tobias. They were storming the domain, searching for the lair. In that very moment, a spell was cast, and a fierce battle ensued. Tobias was blasted across the chamber, a victim of the violent conflict.

Josephine, Gabriel, and Poppy charged into the fray, launching potent offensive spells, while Alaric swiftly cut through the water, his strong arms encircling me as he moved with lightning speed, carrying us away from the fighting.

"Alaric..." I could barely swim much less talk. But we needed to rescue Sebastian and Ominis.

"They reached the Seraphine Domain Princess, we couldn't wait any longer" he reported. The battle for Seraphine had commenced. In order to stop those beasts we need to stop Morgana. Otherwise the Realm would fall.


Queen Serena POV

Dark Horse by Katy Perry

Our forces were ready hundreds of miles before you reach the domain. We wanted to prolong their attack as long as possible and give people a chance to escape to other domains. The closer Morgana's forces got the more it started to feel we might be outnumbered.

"It might not be enough" I muttered to myself.

I kneeled down to feel the sand on the seafloor. I scooped up a bit as it still fell through my fingers and looked towards the mountains of coral and aquatic structors.

As I placed both hands on the seafloor a began to chant "Aqua Mare Somnium" repeatedly.

My voice resonated through the waters. As the incantation left my lips, the sea floor beneath me began to tremble. Ripples of magic surged outward from me, causing the coral and sea life to sway in response.

Deep beneath the ocean's surface, where the sea floor met the abyss, the Protectors stirred in their slumber. The pressure on the ocean floor intensified as cracks formed, and ancient, moss-covered stones started to break apart. With each passing moment, the ground quaked, and the Protector's awakening became more apparent.

A deafening roar echoed through the water as massive, stone-like creatures, adorned with coral and sea flora, burst forth from the fragmented sea floor. These magnificent beings, summoned by the spell, were the Protectors of the Realm. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly blue light, and their bodies pulsed with raw elemental power.

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