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The next morning everyone was still at mines.

It was like 10am when I woke up.

Sapnap under me, hugging my waist again. Dream Doing the same to George.

I looked at Sapnap, he was awake.
I started to move around to get more comfortable, once I found a comfortable position, which was laying on his arm beside him, I closed my eyes once again. I fell asleep quickly after.


When I woke up, no one was there. It was only me in my room.

I heard George's laughter from the living room, so I went out to investigate

All three of them where sitting on the couch, just talking

I slowly walked closer to them, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes love?"

"Can I have your hoodie again?" I asked fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

He nodded and took it off. He then helped me put it on.

I sat down beside him and put my legs in his lap. He started rubbing them slowly, still talking to the others.

His touch was basically burning me.
Whenever he touched me with his warm hands, the feeling stayed, for hours even.

I closed my eyes for a while, just enjoying his touch.

"Karl? Are you sleeping again? It's literally 5pm dude" Dream said.

I opened my eyes "no, I'm just , uhhh resting my eyes, yeah"

I ended up falling asleep again.

I felt someone lift me up, I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it's Sapnap. He smiled, I smiled.

He carried me to my room, placed me on the bed then tucked me in.
"I have to go home"

"Aww why?" I said, clearly sad

"I just have to baby, my parents are worried, they don't know that I'm here"

"Oh okay" I smiled.

He kissed the top of my head
"I love you Karl"

"I love you too sappymappydappy"

"Naah Karl you can't be serious."

"I'm joking, I love you too sap"

He smiled then left.

I literally slept all day, so I had all the energy in the world right now.

I decided to call George.
"HE CALLED ME BABY!!" I screamed into the phone

"OMG SHUT UPPP!!!! NO WAY" he said, matching my energy.

We talked for a while, until we both got bored.

I had a few texts from Sapnap, all "I'll talk to you later". Or "I miss you", even "I love you" 's.

I smiled at all of them.

He just made me so happy. I don't know why he makes me feel so good.

I walked downstairs and sat on the kitchen counter. It reminded me of him.

I smiled.

I made food then ate, I watched YouTube while doing so
When I was finished I did the dishes the Went back to bed

I pulled my phone out then scrolled through Instagram until I got bored, so, I put on some music then started vibing to it.

My music stopped.

Sapnap was calling me.

I picked up

"Karl! Wanna come over? My parents would like to meet my boyfriend."


"Uuuh sureee" I said, BOYFRIEND????

"Okay, get ready, I'll go and pick you up in 20 minutes" with that he ended the call






I got ready and sat on the couch. It's been 15 minutes so I have 5 more minutes.

I snapped some pictures then posted them on Instagram.

After a few minutes I heard a car pull up.

It was sapnap ofcourse.

I sat in the passenger seat, I was greeted with a kiss.
"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded.

After half an hour of constantly pulling away to kiss like every 5 minutes, we arrived.

And oh boy. I was scared.

We entered then I was greeted by his parents, they where much taller than me, like Sap.

His mom hugged me and his dad shook my hand.

We sat down to talk for a while.

"So Karl? How old are you?" His dad asked.

"I'm 18."

"Wonderful! What are your hobbies?"

"I paint, write..well sometimes, and I did figure skating also. Oh and I roller skate!"

"Wow! Figure skating is impressive!" His mom said smiling , she has a warm smile.

"and I play guitar" I smiled back.

Sapnap was surprised, why???

Didn't he see the electric guitar in my room or what?

"Thats cool." He said putting his arm around my waist.

The butterflies in my stomach started doing some sort of happy dance.

They told me to say some things about myself.
"I like playing games and I'm good with kids. I enjoy cartoons, I like rain and the smell of it. Sleeping, and cooking! I love Baking also. My favourite colour Is blue! I enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends! I'm also obsessed with anime."(some things that Karl like, some that I do.)

We mostly talked about me, they're really accepting of sapnaps sexuality and like, overall me.

I wish my parents where like them.

"Hey Karl I think you should spend the night, since it's pretty late." Sapnaps mom said.

"Yeah I think so too."

We said our goodnights and I went to take a shower, after that I dressed up, I stole- borrowed Sapnaps clothes, then layd on his bed.

I opened my arms , and sapnap jumped right on top of me as he finished changing.

What a baby.

So clingy...says me haha.

"So I'm your boyfriend?" I asked hugging him.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes." I kissed his forehead, he smiled.
"I love you sapnap."

" I love you Karl."

I squeezed him harder.
" I love you sooo much" I gave him another smooch on his forehead (canon , ifykyk)

"You're cute" sapnap said smiling against my chest

"You're cuter" I said hugging him with my legs too

"You're like a baby." He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me."

He leaned in and kissed me, his big hands cupping my jaw, my hands on his waist. It felt nice.

"Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight sap" I said then closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep


 daddy issues. // karlnap Where stories live. Discover now