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When Sapnap went home I took a shower and started watching Coralie, one of my favourite movies.

Not long after I finished watching the movie, I got a call from George.


"Karl.. you should come to Dreams party" he said , he sounded worried.. and scared.

"What happened?"

"Sapnap... did something."

"I'm on my way." I said, then I hang up.

I put on Sapnap's white hoodie with the flame , and sweatpants, my converse and I left the house, I didn't call an Uber or anything, I started running to Dream's house in pouring rain.

My mind was killing me. What if something happened to him?? What if he's hurt??

I ran and ran, until I reached Dreams house, I was soaked. I went inside to find George standing by the door.

He smiled at me reassuringly, then he held my hand and dragged me upstairs.

To a guest room.??

He opened the door and I saw Sapnap sleeping on the bed. But he wasn't alone.

He was sleeping with someone else. A girl, I didn't recognise.

She had long blonde hair, pretty face, and probably a nice body.
She was hugging Sapnap like I always do. One leg over him, hugging his arm with both of her arms.

My heart shattered. Tears started to run down my face. Breathing became hard. I then let out a sob, I walked out of the room, George following me, he hugged my waist and we walked outside. Tears still streaming down my red puffy cheeks.

He hugged me and, I cried into his shoulder. All I wanted was To go home, to disappear.
George held my hand once again and we went back inside in search of Dream.

When we went into the kitchen , where George saw Dream for the last time, Sapnap was there, talking to him.

"Dream?" I said in a shaky voice.

Both of them looked at us, Sapnaps smile slowly faded.

He looked kinda sober, but still drunk, that's still not an excuse of cheating. Dream saw my red face and the tears on mine and also George's hoodie, and he got it in an instant.

He said bye to Sapnap, who wanted to come with us, but we just left him there.

We got in Dreams car and he drove me home. I got out and said bye to them. I walked into my house, I took off my shoes and locked the door.

I slowly walked upstairs to my room, but I couldn't stop crying.
The hoodie I was wearing still smelled like him, the scent of him lingering around my nose, not leaving my side for even a second.

I layd on my bed, staring at my ceiling. Still crying, and breathing heavily. I could feel the pain in my chest, I sat up and looked out my window. I saw Sapnap running down the street. I closed my curtains and ignored it.

I heard someone trying to open my front door, I went downstairs and sat by it.
"Karl. I know you're there" he said , pounding on the door.

"Go away Sapnap." I cried out, hugging the Shark plushie I bringed downstairs with me.

"I won't until I explained myself. LET ME IN KARL!!" he shouted

"No!" I cried harder, laying on the floor, then curling into a ball. I felt like a kid again. Who was beaten by his dad for trying to ask for love.

He walked to my window, and broke it with his bare hands. His hand was bleeding, but he didn't care. He climbed inside and bent down to pick me up.

I kicked and hit him, I screamed and cried. But he didn't let me go.
He put me on the kitchen counter and held me down by my waist.

" I made a mistake, i know. And I didn't want to do it. I love you with all my heart Karl."

"Then why did you do it?" I cried out hugging myself

"I was in the room because I wasn't feeling well and I wanted to rest, she came in and all of it just, happened.." he said, looking away.
"But even if I was drunk, I could only think of you, you, my love. I know I hurt you, but I want to make it up to you, because I don't want to lose you." He said now looking into my eyes.

I thought for a second.

He sounds genuine, but it still shattered my heart.
"I need time Sapnap." I said looking down at my lap.
He let go of my waist, and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Sorry for your window by the way." Was all he said before climbing back out.

I was still sat on the counter, trying to catch my breath and calm down.

I went upstairs to my room and I took off my pants, and put on a pair of shorts. I left Sapnap's hoodie on though. I then sat on the stairs, I had my phone in my hand, I needed something to distract myself from.. from that.

I went on Instagram and I saw George's post with Dream. An hour ago. They were on the party, they took the picture before I arrived. Before George called. It was in Dreams kitchen. He posted more photos so I scrolled through, I saw one where Sapnap is next to that blonde girl, his face was disgusted though, and the girl was touching his arm as she posed.

I commented on his post. Saying
"what a great night it was:D!" But it wasn't really.

Maybe Sapnap was telling the truth?

No. He's a liar. He's a bitch he's an asshole he..he.. I love him though.

I put my phone down and buried my face in my hands.

I want everything to be okay, everything to work out. But it just doesn't.

Poor Karl. Hope he won't hurt himself or anything.

(Totally not foreshadowing)


I'm sorry.

 daddy issues. // karlnap Where stories live. Discover now