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☝️ just reminding U of their height🤗

This chapter is dedicated to my bestfriend Ash, she's always so exited for the next chapter, thought I could mention that She's also writing a book! Make sure to check it out!<3

"why did he do that?!" I said to George as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know but it was cute." He said giggling

This bitch is no help.

I watched as he ran back to Dream, the match continued on, our team won.

The boys walked back to the Changing room, so me and George did too.

George walked up to dream and hugged him
"You did so good!" Then he kissed him.
Everyone in the room went "uuuuUuuUuUuUuuUuUuuuu"
I stood in the doorway, watching Sapnap change his shirt. He looked so pretty. His body, his face. His everything.

He looked at me and smiled. It warmed my heart in an instant. I smiled back then stepped inside, closing the door behind me.
Everyone looked at me and just, started staring.
I got kinda uncomfortable so I made my way to Sapnap as soon as I could.
He bent down and hugged me around my waist, with his big arms.
He picked me up and kissed me.

I was shocked but kissed back. He cupped my jaw with his right hand and held me with the other. His touch was burning my skin once again...
What a great feeling. I love his touch.

He put me down and finished Changing. George and Dream already left, and they said they'll wait for us in dreams car.

We walked out of school then got in the car.

"Sapnap is such a rizzler" Dream joked

"Yess oh my god!" George giggled, he leaned in a and made kissy sounds against dreams lips.
"Look at us guys we're you!!"

I rolled my eyes and layd on Sapnap. He started playing with my hair and it sent shivers down my spine.

Dream drove to his house and we got out, then walked inside
I flopped down on to the couch and the others did too.
"Wanna do something fun?" Dream said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Hellyeah! I didn't smoke in like a week." I said, sitting in Sapnap's lap sideways, facing the other two.

Dream handed me a cigarette and his not so surprisingly green lighter, and I lit my cigarette.

George didn't smoke before, so Dream tried to teach him. I giggled when he almost choked, it was kinda funny

Sapnap was on his phone, I already smoked half of my cigarette, I looked at him, he was already looking at me.

"Do you want to hit?" I asked smiling.

"Uh...I never smoked before." He said with his deep and raspy voice i love so much.

"Do you want me to shotgun it for you?" I asked facing him, still sitting on his lap

"Yeah that'd be great" he said smiling like an idiot he is

I inhaled some smoke and turned to him, he nodded and I leaned closer to him , then he slightly opened his mouth and I blew the smoke inside. I sat up straight then giggled a little, then immediately stopped realising how stupid I sound when I giggle.

He exhaled the smoke then I got up and went to the bathroom.

"Fucking hell and shit." I muttered under my breath as I entered the room.

Meanwhile with dem other hoes

"Sapnap? The fuck was that? You never let anyone shotgun you, is he that important to you?" Dream asked.
Sapnap sighed.
"Yes. He is. I love him"

George smiled.
"You love him this much?"

Sapnap said then lit a cigarette.
"He's just perfect in every way. He's cute and smart. He's also very short and I love that. He's like , the perfect guy for me. When I'm with him I feel so much more happier bro, I don't know if you know what I mean."

Back with jarl kacobs😾

I flushed the toilet after a few minutes making it seem like I used it.

I'm so disgusting what the fuck. I hate how stupid I sound. When I hear it I can just throw up.

I left the bathroom and walked back into the living room.

I saw Sapnap smoking a cigarette.
"Well well well, you're not scared anymore big man?"I said smiling a little.

"Nah, im a big boy now" Sapnap said giggling.

His giggle is heavenly, not like mine.

"Sure you are." I sat down next to him, crossing my arms

"What's wrong Karl?" George asked, he always notices if I'm upset. I hate him for this... well, sometimes I don't.

"Nothing just. I'm tired, I want to go to bed." I said making a sad face. Well, I'm not lying, I'm pretty tired actually.

"I can take you home maybe?"Sapnap offered.

"No it's okay I'll just sleep here on the couch, if that's okay with dream ofcourse."

"Yeah man, go ahead" dream said with a sweet tone in his voice.

I got a pillow and a blanket, and layd down, Sapnap wanted me to sleep on him, but I didn't feel like it right now. I layd down and covered myself with the blanket, I closed my eyes, but I couldn't sleep.

I got up and threw the pillow on the floor
"Fuck thiiis." I groaned in frustration

I sat in Sapnap's lap and now covered myself with the blanket.
I layd my head on his chest and closed my eyes once again. He started rubbing circles on my back, and he played with my hair with his other hand.

This helped me fall asleep quickly , his presence and Touch is so comforting.

"I love you sapnap" I said before falling asleep

Sapnap kissed the top of my head
"I love you too dummy"

Words: 983

 daddy issues. // karlnap Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora