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__________________________________"do you ever feel different?" I lean against the kitchen counter as I talk.

"In what way?"

"Every way. But mostly in the way you can't tell anyone, that how obsessed you are with someone, how much you love that person. How much you don't want to lose them."

"I do.. I actually do. Since I've been back, I'm seeing someone."

"How is he like?" I ask, then I push myself away from the counter, crossing my arms.

"....he?" She giggles

"Mom!? Are you gay?" I say surprised,"you didn't even tell me"

"I know, Karl. It wasn't anything serious but, but now... It's very serious in fact." She smiles a little and I get closer to hug her.

"I'm not mad, mom, I'm happy for you." I smile at her.

"I was thinking of, umm inviting her over for dinner, is that okay with you?" She asks as we sit down to have lunch.

"Of course." I say, then I begin to eat my food. When my mom finishes and I do too, I do the dishes and we sit back down to talk.
"Sooo, how is she like.?" I ask as I spin the rings on my fingers.

"She's very sweet. You'll like her."

"Okay! Maybe we could invite her once again when Sapnap's back." I smile and she agrees.

"I'm gonna go call Sapnap. Be right back." I say and I get up to leave.
I go into the living room and I sit on the couch.
I call Sapnap, but he doesn't pick up. I go on insta for a while, but it's not entertaining at all. I go out to the tree house and I go upstairs. I get my guitar and go back downstairs, then into the house. I sit on the couch and I start playing a random riff. It reminds me of a song.. i play the song that's sooo close to my heart. Everlong by foofighters. and when I get bored I call again. after the third ring he finally picks up.

"Hi Sapnap."

"Hii Karl, sorry for not picking up earlier, I was showering. Hope you don't mind." He said,

his voice sent shivers down my spine, just hearing his voice made me want to kiss him, to hold him, to be able to feel him against my skin. I put my guitar next to me and I get more comfortable.

"Oh, yeah no problem. I was just calling to check up on you and tell you the news I just got."

"What news do you have , love?" He asks concerned.

"Wait can you turn your camera on? I want to see you." I say, and I lay down.

He giggles and mumbles a little "sure".

He turns his camera on and I do too.
He was in a bathroom, he had a towel wrapped around his waist and he was drying his hair with another towel. His hair looked so good , like he looked so good. Like waaahhhahahahah , I'd smash.

"So" I start, "my mom is literally gay" I whisper

his eyes widen "what?"

"Yeah! I'm happy for her but it's kinda weird, she Invited the person she's been seeing to dinner and hopefully she will again when you come back."

"Yeah!! So excited to meet her. And also see you." He giggled

We talked for a while but then hang up because the plans changed and Sapnap had to go practice.

I played one last song, do I wanna know by arctic monkeys and then me and my mom went to the store , I was pushing the cart once again, and she was putting the things in it. We payed and went home, my mom started cooking while I was telling her how I want to write Sapnap a song and blah blah blah.
"Can you set the table?" She asks.

"Sure." I get 3 plates and all the other stuff we need and set the table.

Just as I finish, I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly walk there, I hesitate though.

I take a deep breath, then, I open the door.
"Hi! You must be, Karl? I'm Jess... Emily's partner."

"Hi, Jess! It's so nice to see you!" I smile.

"You too Karl!! Can I come in?"

"Of course! Mom's in the kitchen." I smile and she steps in. We both walk to the kitchen/dining area. Jess, hugs my mom and they both get so red. I sit at the table and just stare at them, smiling.
Jess sits down facing me.

"What did you make, mom?" I ask,happiness being heard in my voice

"Spaghetti, both of you are obsessed with it, so I thought, why not?" My mom smiles and puts the food on the table and sits down.

I get myself some and I start slowly eating.
Mom and Jess are looking at each other very often and it's very cute.

"Soo... How did you two meet?" I ask and I put my work down. Both of them look at me, and they smile a little.

"At work." Jess says.

"Oh I see." I shift in my seat, "that's great, happy to finally know that my mom is happy."

Jess smiles at me and holds my moms hand.

After we ate and cleaned the table, we decided to watch a movie. We watched 'through my window.' Jess's favorite.

I put my hands into the pocket of my hoodie and I feel my cigarettes.
"A cig won't hurt" I think to myself. I fish them out and open the little box. Where my lighter at? Is it still in the tree house?

"Mom, you got a lighter?" I ask and I look at them.

"Yes honey I have one right in front of you on the table." She giggles

"Oh thanks." I reach for it and I light my cig

"Karl , you smoke?" Jess asks.

"Mhm." I inhale some smoke and I let it fill my lungs. Then I exhale.

"Ooh, my step sisters son who's around your age smokes as well."

"That's cool" I laugh a little.

"Yeah, he's a very great kid. He's taller than me it's really funny." She smiles.
I smile at her as well and continue smoking my cigarette as I watch the movie.

When I finish, I get up and go to the kitchen to toss it into the bin.

"Yes Karl?"

"I think you should spend the night" I stop in front of the tv, and I put my hands into my pocket.
"If it's okay with Emily, then sure." She says shyly

"Of course it's okay!" My mom smiles at her. And they stand up.
After they shower and do their routines,they get in bed. I go back to the tree house with my guitar and some other stuff, some snacks, then I put them down in the little living room area, and i get in my bed.
I quickly look at my phone, no messages from Sapnap.
I decide to text him before I completely fall asleep.

Goodnight Sap, have fun
at practice I guess, for me it's
sleep time lol.

Goodnight ml. I'm already back, can't wait to see you, this week is going to be long.

It's okay, it will be
great don't worry

I have to go sorry :{

It's okay! Ly°•°




Merry Christmas everyone I hate it christmas sucks

 daddy issues. // karlnap Where stories live. Discover now